All World Mixed Lots | |||
1 | Box with interesting selection of stamps: accumulation of swaps from mail apparently made c.1900 to 1920?, then added to in the 50s & 60s, plus various ranges in albums, etc. This lot seems to have loads of potential, with much ‘sorting fun’ guaranteed! (1,000s) | 80 | |
2 | Box with good sorting mix; hours/days/weekends of fun here! with a possibility of real finds! (1,000s) | 40 | |
3 | Records of Philately - album (printed in German) with examples (inc. covers, stamps, etc.) of the largest stamps, largest cancels, longest/shortest place names, highest face values, ... Attractive lot | 32 | |
4 | Covers - 170, some FDC incl. USA, Malta, UK & others, early to modern. (170+) | 30 | |
5 | Scandinavia Stockbook with collections of Sweden c.1930s-80s incl. much u.m., booklet strips, etc. also some Norway u.m. or used. (330, 3 MS) | 28 | |
6 | An old s/book with early to middle m. or u. ranges of Bulgaria, Hungary (1930s-40s u.m.), USA, Netherlands, etc. some dupl. but also much of interest. (100s) | 26 | |
7 | Box with loose stamps & albums, strength in UK & South Africa. (1,000s) | 26 | |
8 | Box with large quantity of UK and world stamps, loose and in bags/packets, etc. (10,000+) | 24 | |
9 | Colln. of covers, strength in Switzerland, with many Air Exhibition Cancels, FFCs, Special Flights, plus some others too! Nice lot. (100+) | 24 | |
10 | Baltic States - m.&u. colln. in s/book (some dupl.), with Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania (plus some Ukraine, etc.). Worth Checking. (c.400, 1MS) | 22 | |
11 | S/book with jumbled World ranges with stamps, M/Ss & covers, worth close inspection. (100s) | 22 | |
12 | box with interesting looking seln. of stamps in s/cards & pkts., etc. plus some others (covers/cards) (100s) | 20 | |
13 | Suitcase - handy weekend sorter! on & off-paper stamps in pkts., tubs, albums, etc. The odd few better seen among the ballast. (1,000s) | 18 | |
14 | Shoebox with off-paper stamps in pkts., some Swiss covers & further stamps in small s/books & club booklets. Nice lot. (1,000s) | 18 | |
15 | Small plastic briefcase with mainly off-paper world stamps sorted into pkts., envelopes, etc. Careful sorting could well reward! (1,000s) | 18 | |
16 | Box with various off-paper stamps in tubs, albs, remaindered club bklts., some covers & cards, ... (1,000s) | 14 | |
17 | Bundle of alb. leaves, somewhat picked, mainly middle period Europe & Overseas. (100s) | 14 | |
18 | South America - m.&u. seln. on printed pages to 1914 & some later too. incl. Peru (90), Uruguay (159) & Venezuela (175) (424) | 14 | |
19 | Small box containing sixteen old club booklets. remains STC c.£900 (16 books) | 13 | |
20 | Thematic - Transport. “History of Transportation” (Rail, Road, Air, Horse,...) colln. of u.m. stamps, each on illustrated card, plus text, mainly modernish stamps, little or no ‘wallpaper’ (c.100?) | 12 | |
21 | Suitcase with sorting lot; not anything obviously of great value, but who knows what you’ll find among the stamps in boxes, on leaves, etc.? plus a few covers/cards. (100s) | 12 | |
22 | Small box with stamps (strength in UK) sorted into even smaller boxes! (1,000s) | 12 | |
23 | Tin with seln. of mainly mid-period stamps, on & off-paper, some more unusual seen. (1,000s) | 11 | |
24 | Binder with world selection, only slight duplication, no UK (c.800) | 10 | |
25 | Tin with world on & off-paper, little after 1950s. Good sort. (100s) | 10 | |
26 | S/book with world seln. plus ranges on album leaves, etc. (much Australia & Netherlands) (c.1,000+) | 9 | |
27 | World thematic ranges in large s/book (fairly sparse) worth the estimate for the stockbook alone! (100s) | 8 | |
28 | Tin with some world covers/fronts & on and off-paper stamps. (100s?) | 5 | |
29 | Mainly on-paper selection in tin, mostly 1960s onwards. (100s) | 3 | |
British Commonwealth Lots | |||
30 | Bundle of stockcards (60) with mixture of mint & used stamps, mainly odds and part sets, but some better items too. Plenty of interesting items seen. Viewing highly recommended. (100s) | 20 | |
31 | S/book with mainly used ranges, Queen Victoria to Queen Elizabeth. (100s) | 14 | |
32 | Tristan da Cunha & St. Helena definitive sets mint to £2 (22) | 6 | |
33 | 1978 25th Coronation collection of ‘Save the Children’ FDCs in album, incl. a few better. (30) | 3 | |
Postcard Lots | |||
34 | English topographical cards, mostly 1900s-50s. (200+) | 14 | |
35 | Scottish (mainly) cards, bundle of Edwardian to 1950s. (200+) | 11 | |
36 | Scottish Cards, mainly older, good, useful mix. (c.200) | 10 | |
Coins and Medals, etc. | |||
37 | Coins U.K. pre-1920 (full silver content) 1/-; £2/10/- face, poor to fine, many Edward VII. (50) | 18 | |
38 | Medals U.K. 1914 Star awarded to Pte. Howard 1st East Yorks. Regt. (1) | 38 | |
39 | “, U.K. WWI pair (Manchester Regt.) (2) | 15 | |
Cinderella, Ephemera, Other Collectables, etc. | |||
40 | Die-Casts Corgi Eddie Stobbart curtain-side Scania Lorry. New (1) | 4 | |
41 | “, Edie Stobbart Morris Minor van (Vanguard range), as new. (1) | 3 | |
42 | “, British Caledonian Airways Morris Minor van (Corgi Classics), as new. (1) | 2 | |
43 | Locals - Lundy 1953 Coronation 1/2p, 1p, 2p, 4p with ‘reversed colour overprint; plus normal set of seven, all u.m. STC £100+ (11) | 20 | |
44 | Cinderella - U.K. National Telephone Co., 5 early values to 1/- m.m. (5) | 11 | |
45 | Ephemera seln. of unused modern greetings cards. Some duplication. Buy this lot & never have to buy another Birthday card! (100+) | 3 | |
Accessories, Supplies, etc. | |||
46 | SG Commonwealth cat 2006 edition (1840-1952) good to fine 2nd hand, an identical lot sold in the last auction at £28! (1) | 15 | |
47 | SG colour key (200 colour version) good 2nd hand. New RRP c.£13. (1) | 4 | |
Stamps Arranged by Country | |||
48 | Afghanistan 1951/57 u.m. defin. seln., each stamp x3 (most in strips) nice lot. STC £36 (36) | 7 | |
49 | Anguilla 1976 $10 SG144a x 15 u.m. copies, STC £225, good thematic, useful for packet maker! (15) | 6 | |
50 | Antigua 1908-17 short set to 1/- & the 3 War Stamp o’prints. SG41-49, 52-54 m.m. (10) | 15 | |
51 | Ascension 1934 defin. set m.m. STC £110 (10) | 28 | |
52 | “, 1935 Silver Jubilee set m.m. STC £48 (4) | 18 | |
53 | “, 1938-53 1d black & green SG39 (Green Mountain) l.m.m. STC £42 (1) | 10 | |
54 | “, 1938 5/- p.131/2 slight gum toning, as normal. STC £95. (1) | 6 | |
55 | Australian States, Tasmania 1892-99 5/- SG223 m.m. minor faults, but fresh & attractive. STC £55 (1) | 7 | ![]() 55 |
56 | Australia 1985 Year Book fine & complete with all issues u.m. (1) | 6 | |
57 | “, 1986 Year Book (no slip case, otherwise fine & complete) (1) | 6 | |
58 | “, Antarctic Terr. 1973 defin. set to $1 u.m. (12) | 5 | |
59 | Austria 1945-79 mint (mainly l.m.m.) collection in album. Equally useful as a starter or for splitting (for thematics?) STC £1,000 (100s) | 95 | |
60 | “, early to 1930s (mainly) colln. of defins. in s/book; some P.Dues & the odd commem. (100s) | 22 | |
61 | “, small bundle of covers incl. better 1937 shipping, 1940s-50s FDCs, etc. some very high cat. items but mixed condition. (c.40 items) | 20 | |
62 | Bahrain 1934-37 2a SG17a small die u.m. STC £75 as m.m. scarce. (1) | 12 | |
63 | Belgium 1919 Tin Hat short set to 1f SG237-247 mint (some slight adhesion) STC £60 (11) | 12 | |
64 | Bermuda 1938-53 10/- p.13 m.m. attractive. (1) | 15 | |
65 | “, 1938-52 £1 p.13 m.m. attractive lot (1) | 18 | |
66 | Brazil Private air companies - mint seln. incl. 1927 Condor set (7) with duplication (25 of these are u.m.) plus 6 different Varig labels mint (one with reg. overprint) (38) | 12 | |
67 | British Antarctic Territory 1979 Penguin set SG89-92 u.m. (4) | 7 | |
68 | Br. P.O’s. in Siam 1882-85 6c SG5 would be f.u., but for slight thin. STC £120 (1) | 7 | |
69 | Bushire 1915 seln. of used stamps to 1k SG2-10 (no SG4) some faults (incl. much toning), still unusual lot, STC £400+ as genuine, sold ‘as-is’ (8) | 28 | |
70 | Canada, 1949-50 50c SG O177 O.H.M.S. u.m. STC £32 (1) | 9 | |
71 | “, 1950-52 set SG O178-90 (no 2c or 4c SG O180, 183) u.m. scarce as such. STC £150+ (11) | 46 | |
72 | Cape of Good Hope 1d red triangular, 3 margins (21/2 of which are wide) pale pen cancel & single line ‘P.B.Cancelled’ (fake?) unusual item. (1) | 20 | ![]() 72 |
73 | Cayman Is. 1902-03 21/2d f.u.; 6d & 1/- m.m. SG5, 6 & 7 STC £100 (3) | 20 | |
74 | “, 1907 4d SG13 g.-f.u. STC £60 (1) | 18 | |
75 | “, 1907 6d & 1/- SG14 & 15 m.m. STC £87 (2) | 22 | |
76 | “, 1907-09 Chalky set to 5/- SG25-32, some slight rubbing (5/- is very fine) STC £116 (8) | 24 | |
77 | “, 1912-20 mint seln. SG40-48b (& SG38), incl. varieties/shades, etc. STC £70, mainly g.-f. (16) | 15 | |
78 | “, 1917-35 mainly mint colln. on 2 old alb. leaves STC £135 (37) | 30 | |
79 | Ceylon 1935 pictorial defin. set SG368-78 m.m. STC £35 (11) | 12 | |
80 | “, 1938-49 50c x2 (SG394 & 394c) m.m. STC £260 (2) | 18 | |
81 | China 1985-86 small u.m. seln. incl. better, most fine. (32) | 2 | |
82 | “, small s/book with u.m. sets, etc. c.1982-85. (63+) | 8 | |
83 | Colombia 1886-1969 m.&u. colln. on leaves (230+) | 9 | ![]() 87 |
84 | Cook Is. Shells set SG466-87 u.m. STC £70 (22) | 19 | |
85 | Cuba 1853-1898 m.&u. colln. on leaves, slightly picked. (117) | 10 | |
86 | Czechoslovakia early (fairly sparse) to more modern m.&u. ranges in stockbook. (100s) | 14 | |
87 | Falkland Is. 1898 2/6 blue SG41 v.f.u. STC £250 - a beautiful stamp! (1) | 110 | ![]() 88 |
88 | “, 1898 5/- red SG42 faults (replaced corner, etc.) but attractive spacefiller. (1) | 26 | |
89 | “, 1921-28 (mult. script) short set to 1/- m.m. STC £50+ (7) | 18 | |
90 | “, 1952 GVI defin. set SG172-85 STC £150 (14) | 42 | |
91 | “, 1965 Churchill 1/- SG225w (wmk. inverted) u.m. very scarce. STC £60 (1) | 20 | |
92 | “, 1968 3/- lavender SG243 V5 (white flower bud variety) in u.m. pair with normal. Basic stamps STC £16! | 5 | |
93 | “, 1971 decimal surcharge set SG263-75 u.m. (13) | 15 | |
94 | “, 1972 decimal definitive set SG276-88 u.m. (13) | 11 | |
95 | “, 1974-5 watermark varieties SG293, 294, 295 & 315. fine u.m. STC £37+ (4) | 9 | |
96 | “, QV 1/2d to 1/- SG16-38 all but one mint/unused, most fine, many shades, etc. STC £240 (14) | 40 | |
97 | “, E7 mint selection 1/2d to 1/- STC £75 (6) | 26 | |
98 | F.I.D. 1946 Thick Map set SG G1-G8 u.m. (8) | 6 | |
99 | “, 1980 defin. set (no imprint) m.m. (15) | 4 | |
100 | France early to modern seln. in s/book, well worth careful checking. (100s) | 20 | |
101 | French Cols. Algeria & Tunisia - m.&u. selection on album pages & stockleaf. (100s) | 12 | |
102 | “, Comoro Is. 1972 New Airport 85f & 100f SG118, 119, both u.m. & imperforate. (2) | 9 | |
103 | “, “, 1979-80 small seln. of imperf. issues (SG391, 420, 421, 422, 426, 430) unusual. (6) | 20 | |
104 | Gambia 1904-06 5d, 71/2d & 10d mint (a few slight faults), each with Specimen o’print. (3) | 20 | ![]() Ex 104 |
105 | “, 1904-06 set to 10d SG57-66 m.m. (1d x2) STC £85 (9) | 22 | |
106 | Germany 1872-1945 used colln. in printed album, many full sets (incl. Relief Funds); some slight duplication (including useful earlier ranges with shades). The odd better official. Plenty to sort through and play around with! (100s) | 150 | |
107 | “, 1872-1945 m.&u. colln. in hingeless album, useful starter. (100s) | 42 | |
108 | “, 1934 Welfare Fund (Workers) set SG551-9 used (mostly g.-f.) STC £100 (9) | 20 | |
109 | “, 1935 Relief Fund (Costumes) set SG585-94 mint (most m.m.) STC £30 (10) | 9 | |
110 | “, 1945 S.A./S.S. set Mi.909, 910 u.m. missing from most collections! (2) | 22 | |
111 | “, Allied Occup. 1948 Aid to Berlin set SG A140, 141 f.u., only STC £15+, but much scarcer than this! | 5 | ![]() 112 |
112 | “, “, 1949 Hannover Fair MS SG MS A145 f.u. STC £225 (1) | 38 | |
113 | “, “, 1949 Goethe set SG A148-50 f.u. STC £33+ (3) | 8 | |
114 | Germany (continued), B.R.D. 1951 Numeral set SG1045-60 g.-f.u. plus Röntgen set SG1073 v.f.u. STC c.£60 (17) | 10 | |
115 | “, “, 1952 Youth Hostel set SG1080-81, genuinely scarce f.u. STC £44 (2) | 16 | |
116 | “, “, 1952 Humanitarian Fund set SG1082-85 u.m. very fresh & attractive STC £125+ (4) | 38 | |
117 | “, “, 1952 Reis set SG1087 f.u. (1) | 3 | |
118 | “, “, 1953 Science Museum SG 1089 f.u. STC £27 (1) | 5 | |
119 | “, “, 1953 Transport set SG1093-96 f.u. STC £45 (4) | 9 | ![]() Ex 120 |
120 | “, “, 1954 Relief Fund set SG1126-29 f.u.-v.f.u. STC £55 (4) | 15 | |
121 | “, “, 1955 Relief Fund set SG1148-51 f.u. STC £45 (4) | 10 | |
122 | “, “, 1957 Relief Fund set SG1189-92 f.u. STC £23 (4) | 4 | |
123 | “, “, 1959 Beethoven MS SG MS1233a with Special cancel. STC £55 (1) | 15 | |
124 | “, “, 1971-92 m.&u. colln. in 2 Lindner hingeless albums, many compl. sets, useful for expansion or splitting. (100s) | 36 | |
125 | “, Berlin 1948 Dove High values m.m., 1m to 5m with black overprints, 1m & 2m with red o’prints. assumed to be fake o’prints, sold ‘as-is’. (6) | 18 | ![]() 126 |
126 | “, “, 1948 Dove high value 2m with red overprint g.u. (small blue crayon marks) STC ¤320 as genuine. looks not too bad, but sold ‘as-is’. (1) | 15 | |
127 | “, “, s/book with attractive mint colln. mostly 1960s-90 u.m., but with a few earlier too! Not as common as it once was. Very high cat. value. (100s) | 44 | |
128 | “, D.D.R. 1980s-90s covers from a philatelically inspired correspondence. Loads of colourful stamps & sets (& plenty of M.S’s.) incl. some better reunified issues too. Thematic paradise! (100++) | 10 | |
129 | “, “, 1984-90 colln. of u.m./f.u. looks fairly compl. with MSs, se-tenants, booklets, etc. slight dupl. in places. STC £350+ (100s) | 48 | |
130 | “, Locals 1945/46 colln. of mint sets on album leaves incl. Finsterwalde, Lübbenau, Spremberg, Storkow, etc. Philatelically inspired? - yes, but attractive & not often offered. (70) | 15 | |
131 | “, W.W.II Occ’ns. ‘KA-BE’ printed alb. with ranges of Bohemia & Moravia incl. the scarce 1939 o’printed set mint (most fair u.m.), Poland with better, Ostland, Ukraine, etc. nice lot. (100s) | 60 | |
132 | “, “, Inselpost (Agram o’print) Mi.10A may just be genuine, but believed to be re-perfed. ‘as-is’. (1) | 12 | |
133 | Ghana 1957-70s a comprehensive colln. on lvs., m./u.m. or f.u. (sometimes both) STC £270 (100s) | 36 | |
134 | Gibraltar 1904-08 1d to 1/- SG57-61 m.m. STC £130 (5) | 30 | |
135 | “, 1912-24 2/- & 4/- SG82, 83 mint slight faults (gum disturbance, etc.) STC £58 (2) | 10 | |
136 | “, 1935 Silver Jubilee set SG114-117 g.u.-f.u. STC £28 (4) | 7 | |
137 | Gold Coast 1948 10/- SG146 in f.u. block of 8, nice multiple. (1) | 9 | |
138 | Hong Kong, 1937 Coronation set m.m. (3) | 2 | |
139 | “, China Overprints 1917-21 4c, 10c, 12c SG3,6,7 mint (10c is u.m.) STC £32 (3) | 9 | |
140 | “, “, 1917-21 50c SG12b (emerald back) m.m. STC £38 (1) | 6 | |
141 | “, “, 1917-21 $1 SG13/13a m.m. STC £70 (1) | 16 | |
142 | “, “, 1922-27 1c, 6c, 8c, 25c (mult. script) m.m. STC £40+ (4) | 7 | |
143 | Iceland 1908 double head seln. to 50a SG81-92 mint STC c.£150 Attractive lot. (12) | 30 | |
144 | India 1950s-70s accum. of FDCs incl. a few better, useful for thematics, most fine. (184) | 9 | |
145 | “, 1971 5p ‘Service’ in unused pair with ‘Refugee Relief’ overprint (New Delhi style), with double overprint variety. Philatelic, but striking. (1) | 10 | |
146 | “, QV-GVI largely used colln. on leaves, with the odd better/unusual stamp seen. (100s) | 30 | |
147 | “, Chamba officials - 1940-43 1/2a SG O73 x 100 g.u.-f.u. STC £300 (100) | 8 | |
148 | Ionian Is. 1859 set SG1-3 good margins, unused. STC £130 as m.m. (3) | 14 | |
149 | Ireland 1922 set to 10d SG1-9 u.m. (scarce as such) STC £35 as m.m. (9) | 14 | |
150 | “, 1922-23 1/- SG63 g.u. (light parcel cancel) with faked ‘missing accent’ variety quite passable to the naked eye! STC £9,000 as genuine. (1) | 5 | |
151 | Italy, Papal States 1867 set SG30-37 & the same 7 vals. perf. from the 1868 set. All mint/unused stated by the vendor to be ‘Speratti forgeries’, sold ‘as-is’ (14) | 15 | |
152 | Japan 1890s five used postal stationery cards, interesting looking marks/chops, etc. most fine. (5) | 5 | |
153 | Malaya collns. in alb. with Straits, States & Malaysia. Good general basis, some better. STC £400+ (100s) | 38 | |
154 | “, Sungei Ujong 1885-90 2c SG41 g.-f.u. (barred cancel) STC £100 (1) | 26 | |
155 | Malta 1859 21/2d pl.9 & 6d pl.9 with ‘A25’ cancels. STC £41+ (2) | 7 | ![]() 156 |
156 | “, 1922 £1 SG140 m.m., centred left STC £100 fine stamp. (1) | 28 | |
157 | Monaco 1962 Anti Malaria in imperf. pair; one red & brown, the other green. Nice item. (1) | 14 | |
158 | Mongolia 1970s-80s colln. of colourful stamps in s/album, mostly c.t.o., loads of useful thematics. (100s) | 15 | |
159 | Netherlands classic seln. pasted onto part of old album leaf, most good to fine & STC £330+ (11) | 9 | |
160 | Newfoundland small mint (the odd gum fault, others fine u.m.) and used seln. incl. better STC £60 (21) | 16 | |
161 | New Guinea 1925-28 short set to 5/- SG125-134 m.m. STC £130+ (11) | 36 | |
162 | New Hebrides 1908 French set SG F1-5 complete f.u., only STC c.£40, but surely scarcer than this?! | 15 | |
163 | New Zealand 1898 p.12-16 6d SG254/254a & 1/- SG257 m.m. STC £130 minimum. (2) | 14 | |
164 | “, 1898 5/- SG259 m.m. STC £200 scarce stamp. (1) | 36 | ![]() 164 |
165 | “, 1913-25 5/- official SG O86 f.u. STC £85 (1) | 22 | |
166 | “, 1920 Victory set SG453-8 m.m. STC £50 (6) | 12 | |
167 | “, 1960 Birds (Health) MS set SG804b v.f.u. STC £38 (2) | 12 | |
168 | “, 1984 Year Book, fine & complete, with all issues u.m. (1) | 6 | |
169 | “, 1985 Year Book. (1) | 6 | |
170 | “, 1986 Year Book. (1) | 6 | |
171 | Nyassa Co. 1921 m.m. seln. SG96-113, 123-127. (18) | 3 | |
172 | Papal States 1852-68 m.&u. seln. on s/cards - you decide which are genuine! STC £2,775+ (22) | 6 | |
173 | Paraguay 1961 35c tennis in u.m. imperf. horiz. pair, unusual. (1) | 10 | |
174 | Poland duplicated ranges in well-filled s/book, useful for thematics. (1,000s?) | 22 | |
175 | Portuguese Timor 1898-1904(ish) mint colln. on lvs., incl. better (eg. 04 P.Due set) etc. some adherence, but attractive and unusual lot. (46) | 14 | |
176 | Rhodesia mint Admiral Head seln. to 10d on alb. leaf (some slight adhesion) STC £60 minimum. (11) | 22 | |
177 | Roumania 1865 5f & 20f both 4 wide margins, fresh unused (forgeries?) plus 1869 10, 15, 25, 50b all attractive, f.u. Appear OK, but sold ‘as-is’ (6) | 7 | |
178 | “, 1928 Air set (Spad 33) u.m. with horiz. wmk. STC ¤35 (3) | 7 | |
179 | St. Helena 1890-97 5d & 10d SG51, 52 mint (couple of tone spots on gum, etc.) attractive s’fillers. (2) | 5 | |
180 | “, 1912-16 set to 1/- & 1912 defins. SG72-79, 85, 86 m.m. STC £60 (10) | 19 | |
181 | “, 1935 Silver Jubilee set l.m.m. STC £21 (4) | 6 | |
182 | “, QV large head, various values to 1/- (believed to be 1884-94 set of 8) mint, some slight faults, but most very attractive from front. STC £100+ (8) | 15 | |
183 | St. Lucia 1936 2/6 SG122 in corner imprint block of 4 (2 stamps u.m.) STC £36+ as m.m. (1) | 13 | |
184 | St. Vincent 1991 Madonna set & MS SG1725-MS1734 u.m. STC c.£15 (10) | 4 | |
185 | Seychelles 1903 ‘CA’ short set to 1r50 mint SG46-55 most good to fine m.m. STC £85 (10) | 18 | |
186 | Sierra Leone 1904-05 set to 1/- SG86-95 (mult. CA) mint, some light toning, etc. STC £88+ (10) | 18 | |
187 | “, 1905 2/- SG96 SG96 mint STC £24 (1) | 7 | |
188 | Singapore 1948 RSW set m.m., gum not quite as fresh as it could be. STC £110 (2) | 20 | |
189 | “, 1948-52 40c p.171/2 x 18 u.m. attractive. STC £40 (1) | 14 | |
190 | “, 1948-52 $2 SG14 m.m. (1) | 12 | |
191 | “, 1948-52 $5 p.14 m.m. STC £110 (1) | 22 | |
192 | Slesvig 1920 set SG1-14 f.u. STC £45+ (14) | 12 | |
193 | Sudan P.Dues 1948 set SG D12-15 superb u.m. with margins STC £35, but much scarcer than this! (4) | 15 | ![]() Ex 193 |
194 | Switzerland c.1900-90s used colln. on leaves, with good variety, a useful basis for expansion. (100s) | 14 | |
195 | “, Pro-Juv. - s/book with f.u. sets in blocks of 4, singles, some u.m. sets, some duplication, etc. Very high cat., useful for packet maker? mainly 1960s-80s, but a few earlier too. (100s) | 44 | |
196 | “, Pro-Juv. & Pro-Patria 1913-96 s/book with duplicated (heavy in places) m.&u. ranges. (1,000s) | 34 | |
197 | “, small stockbook with sparse ranges; the best bit appears to be Pro-Juventute 1944-63 sets complete, (these all m.m.) STC £150 (100+) | 20 | |
198 | Tanzania ranges in s/book; somewhat sparse and duplicated. (350+) | 8 | |
199 | Tonga 1897 2/- SG51a (sideways wmk.) f.u. STC £30 (1) | 7 | |
200 | Transjordan seln. of Saudi stamps, some in pairs with various overprints incl. 1924, P.Dues, etc. One for the specialist - most fine; very unusual. (30) | 10 | |
201 | “, 1929 P.Due short set to 10m SG189-92 g.u.-f.u., weak corner on 1m, scarcer than the catalogue suggests at only £24+ (4) | 5 | |
202 | Turkey three small s/books with m.&u. collection, crying out for expert attention! (or maybe the beginnings of a new collection for you?) (100s) | 30 | |
203 | U.S.S.R. dupl. seln. of stamps, mostly 1960s-70s, but closer inspection reveals the odd better/earlier item/set too. (1,000s?) | 20 | |
204 | “, (& some Russia), accumulation in stockbook. (100s) | 12 | |
205 | U.S.A. Box with misc. stamps in packets, covers, etc., some unusual items incl. Cinderella. (100s) | 28 | |
206 | Vatican City 1939-47 small printed alb. with compl. colln. of Pius XII stamps m.m. SG76-136, SG D107-112 & SG E107, E108, E118, E119. Nice lot. (73) | 5 | |
207 | Zanzibar 1908-09 defins. m.m. to 75c SG225-233. STC c.£69 (9) | 18 | |
United Kingdom Lots | |||
208 | 1840 1d black ‘T-C’ almost 4 margins with what appears to be the original cracked gum. There are some minor faults, like small area of slight surface abrasion, etc., but all in all its quite a reasonable example of an unused 1d black, which is always sought after, and catalogued at £6,000 minimum. | 300 | ![]() 208 |
209 | 1840 1d black ‘C-H’, plate 6, 4 margins, very close to very wide. Red Maltese Cross ties it to an entire Dunfermline to Limekilns (Fife) STC £500 (1) | 60 | |
210 | 1840 1d black - 8 spacefiller examples, all with greater or lesser faults. (8) | 32 | |
211 | 1840 1d black ‘D-L’ plate 8 on cover (filing creases, etc. - one affecting stamp) Drayton to Staffordshire smudgy cancels. still almost 4 margins (31/2 of which very wide - just touching top left) STC £675 | 30 | |
212 | 1841 1d SG8/12 3 margins good mint, quite nice for this issue. STC £400 minimum. (1) | 11 | |
213 | 1841 2d blue x9 SG13/15 used, some 4 margins. STC £765 (9) | 10 | |
214 | 1841 2d blue, SG13, black M/Cross, almost 4 margins. STC £200 (1) | 9 | |
215 | 1847-54 6d embossed SG58/59 good stamp, cut square, 2 margins STC £800 minimum. (1) | 30 | |
216 | 1847-54 6d embossed SG58 with inv. wmk. cut square, 3 margins (but into at top. STC £800 (1) | 30 | |
217 | 1847-54 6d & 10d embossed, cut to shape STC £1,800 as cut square. (2) | 12 | |
218 | 1847-54 10d embossed SG57 cut square, 2 margins, slightly into at top left. STC £1,000 (1) | 40 | |
219 | 1849 (12 Nov.) cover with 1841 1d red tied by ‘131’ cancel (Edinburgh), with nice d/c ‘Granton Pier’ backstamp, etc. Minor faults, still attractive. (1) | 7 | |
220 | 1854-57 1d SG37/41 mint, slight tone spot in gum. STC £40 minimum. (1) | 6 | |
221 | 1854-57 2d SG34/35 together with 6d SG69/70 on attractive entire to Canada from Commercial Bank of Scotland. Interesting contents, fine Edinburgh Roller cancel. (1) | 32 | |
222 | 1855-57 4d SG63 (med. garter) g.u., off-centre, STC £425. (1) | 16 | |
223 | 1855-57 4d SG62 (small garter) on small piece with Derby duplex. Good colour, a few trimmed perfs. | 10 | |
224 | 1855-57 6d SG70b thick paper, g.u. with light ‘545’ duplex. STC £275 (1) | 9 | |
225 | 1858-79 1d red plates - selection in old envelope, poor to fine; well worth checking carefully. (175+) | 11 | |
226 | 1858-79 1d reds x2, each with red underprint: ‘Copestake Moore...’ (pl.148); and ‘J&C Boyd ... (plate 165). Both somewhat trimmed, but very scarce. (2) | 8 | |
227 | 1858-79 1d reds x72, all plate 117, g.u.-f.u. all different check letters. STC £144 (72) | 7 | |
228 | 1858-79 1d SG43/44 pl212 good mint (possibly u.m.?) STC £60 (1) | 7 | |
229 | 1858-79 1d SG43/44 1d pl.83 g.u. with inverted wmk. (1) | 6 | |
230 | 1858-79 1d reds av.-g.u. to g.-f.u. x 131 STC £300+ (131) | 6 | |
231 | 1858-79 2d pl.8 m.m. (hint of slight thin on back?) STC £1,000, scarce stamp, attractive. (1) | 28 | |
232 | 1862-64 3d with Edinburgh May 12 CDS, STC £400. A couple of slightly nibbled perfs. (1) | 11 | |
233 | 1862-64 9d SG86/87 g.-f.u. (good for this issue) STC £350 minimum (a couple of nibbled perfs.) (1) | 11 | |
234 | 1862-64 1/- SG90 (possibly SG89?) pl.1 g.u. STC £175 minimum. (1) | 8 | |
235 | 1862-64 1/- SG89 pl.1 on entire Manchester-Madrid, 1862. STC £275, uncommon item. (1) | 13 | |
236 | 1865-67 1/- SG101 pl.4 g.-f.u. (very good for these) STC £70 (1) | 11 | |
237 | 1867-80 3d SG102/103 pl.5 fresh m.m. STC £450, slightly roughish perfs. at top. (1) | 22 | |
238 | 1867-80 3d plate 6, x21 g.u. STC £1,155 (21) | 15 | |
239 | 1867-80 3d SG102/103 pl.10 g.u. STC £110, slight toning. (1) | 7 | |
240 | 1867-80 9d SG110/111 g.u. STC £250 minimum. (1) | 15 | |
241 | 1867-80 9d SG110/111 g.u. on piece, Reading to India STC £250 minimum. (1) | 16 | |
242 | 1867-80 10d SG112/14 g.u. (slightly weak corner) STC £300 minimum. (1) | 13 | |
243 | 1867-80 2/- SG118/120b g.u. STC £175 minimum. (1) | 10 | |
244 | 1867-83 5/- pl.1 g.u., small tear between T and A STC £600 (1) | 12 | ![]() 245 |
245 | 1870 1/2d SG48/49 pl.13 imperf. single (imprimatur) m.m., very scarce. (1) | 32 | |
246 | 1872-73 6d pl.12 SG125 g.u. (nice for these) STC £200 (1) | 9 | |
247 | U.K. Lots (continued) 1873-80 4d pl.15 SG152, not bad for these. STC £425, scarce. (1) | 24 | |
248 | 1873-80 4d SG153 pl.16 g.u. STC £250 (1) | 14 | |
249 | 1873-80 4d SG154 pl.17 g.-f.u. STC £450 (1) | 22 | |
250 | 1873-80 8d SG156 (garter) g.u. (re-perfed. at right) with London CDS, STC £300 (1) | 14 | |
251 | 1880-81 1/2d SG164 & SG165, 1d SG166 mint STC £112; plus 11/2d SG167 unused (slight thin) STC £175 as m.m. (4) | 9 | |
252 | 1880-81 5d SG169 f.u. with London Aug 2 83 CDS, scarce as such. STC £110+ (1) | 7 | |
253 | 1880-81 5d SG169 with Specimen overprint m.m. STC £120 (1) | 14 | |
254 | 1880-83 3d SG158 pl.21 f.u. with Aug 24 1882 CDS STC £80+ (1) | 14 | |
255 | 1880-83 4d SG160 pl.18 f.u. with London 6 Oct CDS. STC £60+ (1) | 7 | |
256 | 1880-83 6d SG161 pl.18 f.u. with Dec. 5 18881 CDS x2 STC £665 (1) | 8 | |
257 | 1880-83 6d on 6d SG162 g.u. STC £130 (1) | 8 | |
258 | 1880-83 1/- SG163 pl.13 f.u. (one sl. short perf.) attractive STC £140 (1) | 10 | |
259 | 1881 1d SG170 (14 dots) with Specimen overprint m.m. STC £50, scarce. (1) | 7 | |
260 | 1883-84 1/2d SG187 & 11/2d SG188 mint pair, STC £115 (2) | 11 | |
261 | 1883-84 21/2d SG190 m.m. STC £75 a few blunt perfs. (1) | 11 | |
262 | 1883-84 6d SG194 f.u. (1 slightly pulled perf.) with good colour, fine 27 June 1884 CDS STC £200 | 6 | |
263 | 1883-84 9d SG195 g.u. (slight corner perf. faults), good colour, STC £375 (1) | 13 | |
264 | 1883-84 1/- SG196 f.u. deep colour, 2 fine part CDSs STC £200+ (1) | 20 | |
265 | 1883-84 1/- SG196 x2, one lightly cancelled slightly washed, the other good colour, but heavy cancel. (2) | 18 | |
266 | 1883-84 2/6 & 5/- both g.-f.u. STC £340 (2) | 34 | |
267 | 1883-84 2/6 SG178 v.f.u. central ‘Lower Sydenham’ CDS, very attractive STC £140+ (1) | 30 | |
268 | 1883-84 2/6 SG178 m.m. scarce stamp. Light tone patches on gum. STC £450 (1) | 46 | |
269 | 1883-84 2/6 SG178-79 f.u. with London Hooded cancel. STC £140+ (1) | 11 | ![]() 270 |
270 | 1883-84 10/- SG183 would be v.f.u. (April 8 1889 CDS), but unfortunately a slight thin patch and a short perf. at right. STC £475 (1) | 11 | |
271 | 1887 Jubilee issue mint range 11/2d SG198, 4d SG205 & 6d SG208 STC £75+ above average for these. (3) | 11 | |
272 | 1887-1900 Jubilee fresh m.m. range with slightly heavy paper hinge remainders. 2d, 4d, 6d, 9d, 10d & 1/- SG214 STC £218 minimum. attractive from front. (6) | 13 | |
273 | 1902 seln. of 1/2d controls - 7 different, some minor faults, mostly u.m. (7) | 8 | |
274 | 1902 seln. of 1d controls - 14 different, mostly fine mint or u.m. (14) | 16 | |
275 | 1902 9d SG250/251a chalk surfaced paper fresh mint STC £80 (1) | 7 | |
276 | 1902 10d SG254 mint STC £80 (1) | 10 | |
277 | 1902 1/- SG277a/259 chalk surfaced paper, slight toning to a few perfs., otherwise fresh m.m. STC £80 | 9 | ![]() 280 |
278 | 1902-13 2/6, 5/- 10/- g.u., slight faults, but better than spacefillers. STC £770 minimum. (3) | 40 | |
279 | 1902 2/6 with Specimen overprint, m.m. STC £250, minor faults, still attractive & very scarce item. | 20 | |
280 | 1902 5/- SG263 m.m. STC £350 very scarce, light diagonal fold, still attractive. (1) | 50 | |
281 | 1902 £1 f.u. (Guernsey 3 Aug 04 CDS x2) nice colour, well centred, full perfs. Nice stamp. (1) | 160 | ![]() 281 |
282 | 1912 Downey Head 1d SG342 x91 g.u. to f.u. STC £182 (91) | 7 | |
283 | 1912-24 1d imperf. side marginal block of 4 with Specimen overprint, minor faults, still scarce & fine. | 55 | |
284 | 1912-24 4d SG379 u.m. STC £25 (1) | 5 | ![]() 283 |
285 | 1912-24 6d SG 385a p.14 unused STC £90 as mint, light tone spot. (1) | 6 | |
286 | 1912-24 9d SG393a u.m. with ‘V23’ control. slight gum crease, still scarce this fine. STC £225+ (1) | 36 | |
287 | 1912-24 1/- SG395 in mint block of 4 (technically u.m., but some gum disturbance, one stamp slight faults, etc.) not bad from front! STC £140 (1) | 20 | |
288 | 1912-24 seln. in s/book, a few m.m. controls, one m.m., 1 used. STC £280+ (16) | 20 | ![]() 290 |
289 | 1913 Seahorses - 2/6, 5/- Waterlow printings, both used; much better than s’fillers! STC £375 (2) | 10 | |
290 | 1913 10/- SG402 f.u. STC £425, couple blunt perfs., but nice stamp. (1) | 46 | |
291 | 1915 10/- SG412/413 g.u. with London rubber cancel. STC £700, scarce. (1) | 42 | ![]() 291 |
292 | 1918-19 10/- Bradbury Wilkinson Seahorse, g.u. parcel cancel. STC £140 (1) | 14 | |
293 | 1924 Wembley 11/2d letter card, unnused. (1) | 6 | |
294 | 1924-26 (block cypher) 1/2d, 1d & 11/2d bklt. panes of 6, with selvedge, u.m. (11/2d inv. wmk.) (3) | 11 | |
295 | 1924-26 2d orange used with sideways watermark, heavyish cancel. STC £100 (1) | 5 | |
296 | 1924-26 5d SG425 top marginal u.m. STC £40, scarce as such. (1) | 6 | |
297 | 1934 2/6 & 5/- Seahorses f.u. (nice CDSs) STC £125 (2) | 10 | |
298 | 1934 Photogravure inverted & sideways range, some slight faults, most g.-f.u. STC £265 (11) | 18 | |
299 | U.K. Lots (continued) 1934 Photo. 11/2d in u.m. control block of 4 ‘V34’ 55 dot. STC £40 (1) | 8 | |
300 | 1935 (7 May) Silver Jubilee set on FDC, sent Airmail to Greece with black Greek Airmail cachet. London CDSs, very attractive lot, STC £600 (1) | 20 | |
301 | 1935 3/- Silver Jubilee booklet SG BB28 (‘294’) average condition, STC £90 (1) | 11 | |
302 | 1935 3/- bklt. SG BB29 (‘314’) STC £350 as complete; unfortunately stamps have been removed & the interleaving has been used as a small stamp album! Still useful. (1) | 5 | |
303 | 1936 (1 Sep) Edward VIII Coronation FDC, illus., minor faults, but still attractive & scarce. (1) | 15 | |
304 | 1936 1/2d to 11/2d SG457wi-459wi inv. wmk. set u.m. good perfs. STC £20 (3) | 6 | |
305 | 1937 (13 May) Coronation ‘illustrated’ (embossed gold & blue label affixed) FDC, London wavy line. | 6 | |
306 | 1937-38 P. Due set SG D27-34 m.m. (1d minor toning) STC £260 good set. (8) | 22 | |
307 | 1937-1990 seln. of definitive FDCs in album, incl. better, high values, coils, etc., most later with regional or Windsor cancels, etc. Well worth close inspection. Enormous catalogue value. (77) | 40 | |
308 | 1939-48 2/6 SG476a on 9th March 1942 plain handwritten FDC, STC £1,500 as illus. (1) | 40 | |
309 | 1939-48 5/- red SG477 used with re-entry at base of crown (unpriced in specialised cat.) (1) | 5 | |
310 | 1940 (6 May) set on FDC, long format, one fold (clear of stamps, a few light tone spots. (1) | 5 | |
311 | 1940 set SG479-484 on typed illus. cover minor faults, still attractive. STC £55 (1) | 10 | |
312 | 1940 set SG479-84 in mint control blocks of 6, one stamp in each is m.m. STC £52+ (6) | 10 | |
313 | 1940 Centenary - 70 used sets, plus c.200 loose. STC £500+ (c.600) | 9 | |
314 | 1946 (11 June) Victory set on registered FDC, neat. (1) | 10 | |
315 | 1946 Victory 3d in block of 4 with ‘Gash on Temple’ variety STC £25 (1) | 7 | |
316 | 1948 Olympics set on typed, illus. FDC, special Olympic Slogan cancel. STC £45 (1) | 13 | |
317 | 1948 RSW £1 g.-f.u. (would be v.f.u., but slight blue marks to front - may remove) STC £40 (1) | 8 | |
318 | 1948-73 colln. of FDCs incl. better, but slight mixed cond., many useful STC £600+ (70+) | 20 | |
319 | 1951 5/- SG510 u.m. STC £40 (1) | 6 | |
320 | 1951 Festival Souvenir cover (5th May) illustrated, typed, very attractive. (1) | 10 | ![]() 321 |
321 | 1951 set SG509-512 u.m. STC £95 good set. (4) | 22 | |
322 | 1951-52 P. Due set SG D35-39 m.m. STC £75 (5) | 8 | |
323 | 1953 Coronation set on illus. FDC (printed address label) STC £75. (1) | 12 | |
324 | 1955 Waterlow castles 2/6, 5/- m.m., the odd blunt perf. (2) | 12 | |
325 | 1955-58 10/- & £1 SG538-9 on neat, plain FDCs STC £800 as illus. Rare items. (2) | 46 | |
326 | 1957 (1 Aug) Scouts set on illus. unaddr. FDC with Sutton Coldfield cancel. (1) | 10 | |
327 | 1957 (1 Aug) Scouts set on illus. handaddresssed FDC, S.Coldfield special cancel. (1) | 6 | |
328 | 1957 Scouts set on illus. FDC, S. Coldfield special slogan cancel. (1) | 7 | |
329 | 1957 onwards, seln. of illus. FDCs - poor to v.f.; handwritten or typed, high cat. lot. slight dupl. (29) | 36 | |
330 | 1958 11/2d SG572b (bklt. stamps) 28 used pairs (56 stamps), most fine to v.f. STC £280 28) | 26 | |
331 | 1958 21/2d SG591 graphite line bklt. pane of 6 with ‘J9’ control, some sl. trimmed perfs. STC £60+ (1) | 11 | |
332 | 1958 3d SG592 misplaced graphite lines variety m.m. (band just catching perfs.!) STC £450 if it were misplaced by another millimetre! (1) | 6 | |
333 | 1958 Games set on illus. FDC, special games slogan cancel. STC £75+ (1) | 11 | |
334 | 1958-61 graphite set SG587-94 m.m. (4 vals. are u.m.) good perfs. STC £132 (8) | 18 | ![]() 335 |
335 | 1958-65 3d SG575 in u.m. corner block of 8 with striking paper fold perforation variety (1) | 50 | |
336 | 1958-67 3d Scottish 3d SG S1p (2 phos. bands) in u.m. corner marginal block of 6 (cyl.6) STC £78 | 18 | |
337 | 1959 Phos. graphite set SG599-609 u.m. STC £85, good set. (8) | 26 | |
338 | 1959-63 P. Due set SG D56-68 u.m., scarce as such. STC £68 (13) | 16 | |
339 | 1960 GLO set on typed, illus. FDC STC £55 (1) | 9 | |
340 | 1960 GLO 3d cyl. block of 6 with ‘broken mane’ variety (Row17/2) u.m. (1) | 6 | |
341 | 1960 Europa set on registered illus. FDC, nice cover, STC £55 (1) | 12 | |
342 | 1961 POSB SG624/624a in block of 8 with variety orange brown partly omitted to almost completely omitted. fine item. (1) | 90 | |
343 | 1961 Parliamentary Conference set on illus. FDC STC £30 (1) | 10 | |
344 | 1961 Parl. Conf. illus. FDC, airmail to S. Africa. minor faults, still attractive & scarce. (1) | 8 | |
345 | 1962 (14 Nov) NPY set on illus., handaddressed FDC, CDS cancels. (1) | 5 | |
346 | 1962 NPY set on illus. FDC STC £48 (1) | 9 | |
347 | 1963 F.f.H. set on illus. FDC, typed, Aberdeen CDSs (1) | 5 | |
348 | 1963 F.f.H. set on illus. FDC. STC £32 (1) | 9 | |
349 | 1963 Nature phos. set SG637p-638p on illus. FDC STC £40 (1) | 6 | |
350 | 1963 Nature - both the ordinary & phos. sets on single illus. FDC. Unusual. (1) | 7 | |
351 | U.K. lots (continued) 1963 (31 May) Lifeboat set on typed, illus. special delivery FDC. (1) | 5 | |
352 | 1963 Lifeboat phos. set SG639p-641p u.m. STC £48 (3) | 12 | |
353 | 1963 Red Cross set; each value on sep. illus. FDC (aberdeen cancel) (3) | 5 | |
354 | 1963 (15 Aug) Red Cross phos. set on plain FDC Glasgow cancel, slight toning, still unnusual (Stamps alone STC £55!) STC as illus. FDC £90 (1) | 12 | |
355 | 1963 (15 aug) Red Cross phos. set on plain, typed FDC, cancelled with Red Cross slogan cancel. (1) | 8 | |
356 | 1963 Red Cross phos. set on typed, illus. FDC. STC £90 (1) | 20 | |
357 | 1963 Compac SG645 illus. FDC STC £28 (1) | 6 | |
358 | 1964 Geographical set on illus. FDC, Bureau cancel. (1) | 6 | |
359 | 1964 (5 Aug) Botanical set on handwritten, illus. FDC with very scarce ‘International Botanical Congress, Edinburgh’ handstamp (this STC £200 by B.F.D.C.) (1) | 22 | |
360 | 1964 Botanical set on illus. FDC, bureau cancel. (1) | 6 | |
361 | 1964 Shakespeare set, each value on illustrated, typed FDC (Aberdeen cancel) (5) | 2 | |
362 | 1965 Churchill 4d SG661 in u.m. block of 4 with spectacular doctor-blade flaw (1) | 11 | |
363 | 1966 Birds 4d SG699j (missing legs variety) u.m. STC £90+ (1) | 18 | |
364 | 1966 Birds 4d SG696wi in u.m. block of four (wmk. inverted) STC £17 (1) | 5 | |
365 | 1966 Hastings 4d SG705c missing brown variety u.m. single. STC £60 (1) | 9 | |
366 | 1966 Christmas SG713 in u.m. block of 6 (some perfs. folded) with lower two stamps normal, middle pair missing gold heads, & top pair right normal, left stamp partly missing gold. Very striking. (1) | 50 | |
367 | 1966-69 colln. of FDCs, some sl. dupl., including better. (18) | 9 | |
368 | 1967 Flowers set on 6 maxi-cards, & 1967 Paintings on maxi cards (all FD cancels) scarce lot. (2 sets) | 6 | |
369 | 1967-70 4d SG733 & 10d SG741 in block of 4, with badly misplaced perfs. u.m., interesting. (5 stamps) | 11 | |
370 | 1968 Paintings 1/9 SG774 with striking variety perfs. badly misplaced, so that inscription appears at top.u.m. | 6 | |
371 | 1968 (4 Sept) the set of 6 ‘regional’ FDCs, illustrated, printed addresses. Attractive lot. (6) | 9 | |
372 | 1969-91 Prestige booklets - selection, for Cooks x3 (no other duplication), a few slightly rounded corners but most fine; all panes incl. Wedgwood 1/2p & Christian 10p seem fine. High face & cat. (15) | 50 | |
373 | 1969-79 seln. of FDCs incl. better cancels; unusual values, etc. Nice lot. (21) | 20 | |
374 | 1970 Lit. Anniv. 1/6 SG828b with Silver (Grasmere) omitted u.m., STC £110 scarce variety (1) | 26 | |
375 | 1970-75 P. Due set SG D77-89 u.m. STC £40 (13) | 9 | |
376 | 1970s seln. of commem. FDCs/Special Event covers, etc. mostly good to fine. (50+) | 22 | ![]() 379 |
377 | 1970s (mainly) - s/book with colln. of used sets, each in blocks, etc. CDS cancels, useful lot. (c.160 blocks) | 18 | |
378 | 1971 the scarce ‘Heinz’ Xmas pack, still in its original FDC. (1) | 12 | |
379 | 1971-93 Scottish 31p SG S51Ea (type II, p.14) used. One of the hardest gaps to fill. STC £80 (1) | 20 | |
380 | 1971 Ulster Paintings 71/2p SG882 in u.m. pair with doctor-blade flaw (1) | 6 | ![]() 380 |
381 | 1972 1/2p SG842 left band u.m. STC £55 (1) | 10 | |
382 | 1976 Telephone 81/2p SG997 in strip of 5 with doctor-blade flaw (1) | 6 | |
383 | 1977 Silver Jubilee Tour - the 24 tour covers. (24) | 6 | |
384 | 1978 Buildings MS u.m., with Europa 1978 overprint, unusual. (1) | 1 | |
385 | 1978 onwards, seln. of Xmas bklts. & packs, etc. useful selection. High face. (14) | 30 | |
386 | 1978-2002 colln. of FDCs in alb., slight duplication, mostly alternative & better cancels. (60) | 30 | |
387 | 1979 Collectors Pack (1) | 3 | |
388 | 1980 Authoresses 12p SG1125Ea missing ‘P’ variety (1) | 6 | |
389 | 1980 Collectors Pack (1) | 4 | |
390 | 1981 Collectors Pack (1) | 4 | |
391 | 1982 P. Due set SG D90-101 u.m. STC £24 (12) | 9 | |
392 | 1982 Collectors Pack (1) | 4 | |
393 | 1983 Fish 151/2p SG1207 in u.m. strip of 3 with cyl. number, showing striking doctor-blade flaw | 7 | |
394 | 1984 Christian Heritage Prestige Booklet SG DX5 (1) | 6 | |
395 | 1985 34p Films SG1302 with striking variety “dropped Queen’s Head” u.m. (1) | 16 | |
396 | 1985 50p booklet SG FB31 with missing phos. scarce item. (1) | 6 | |
397 | 1985-86 u.m. commemorative sets complete. (18 sets) | 19 | |
398 | 1986 B.R. Prestige booklet SG DX7 STC £34 (1) | 6 | |
399 | 1986 Collectors Pack, slightly rounded corners; stamps fine u.m. (1) | 10 | |
400 | 1987-88 u.m. commemorative sets complete. (16 sets) | 17 | |
401 | 1988 High value set, SG1410-1413 u.m. STC £35 (4) | 11 | |
402 | 1988 High value pres. pack SG1410-1413 STC £35 (1) | 11 | |
403 | U.K. lots (continued) 1989-90 u.m. commemorative sets complete. (17 sets) | 19 | |
404 | 1989 onwards, greetings bklts., & a couple of Xmas, nice selection. High cat. value. (6) | 18 | |
405 | 1990 1d black MS on fine unaddressed bureau FDC (1) | 1 | |
406 | 1990 20p greetings stamps booklet SGKX1 STC £30 (1) | 8 | |
407 | 1991-92 u.m. commemorative sets complete. (17 sets) | 22 | |
408 | 1992-95 £3 SG1613a in presentaion pack STC £30 (1) | 7 | |
409 | 1992 1592-1601 Greetings stamps in presentation pack. STC £17 (1) | 6 | |
410 | 1993 Orchids SG1662/1662a in block of four, one with ‘1993’ omitted. good variety (1) | 6 | |
411 | 1993 £10 SG1658 in pres. pack. STC £36 (1) | 16 | |
412 | 1993 B.Potter booklet panes u.m. (incl. the stitched selvedge! - unusual) STC £40++ (4) | 5 | |
413 | 1993 u.m. commemorative sets complete. (9 sets) | 11 | |
414 | 1994 Greetings stamps in presentation pack. STC £18 (1) | 7 | |
415 | 1994 u.m. commemorative sets complete. (9 sets) | 13 | |
416 | 1995 u.m. commemorative sets complete. (9 sets) | 11 | |
417 | 1996 u.m. commemorative sets complete. (9 sets) | 14 | |
418 | 1997 greetings stamps SG1955-64 in pres. pack (1) | 6 | |
419 | 1997 seln. of commem. sets each stamp f.u. on PHQ card, stamps alone STC £38 (£87 as PHQs) (7 sets) | 7 | |
420 | 1997 u.m. commemorative sets complete. (9 sets) | 15 | |
421 | 1998 seln. of commem. sets, each stamp f.u. on PHQ card. STC £47+ as stamps (£102+ as PHQs!) (8 sets) | 8 | |
422 | 1998 u.m. commemorative sets complete. (10 sets) | 17 | |
423 | 1999 u.m. commemorative sets complete. (13 sets) | 19 | |
424 | 1999 commems. compl., each f.u. on PHQ card, STC £67 as stamps (£162 as PHQs!) (13 sets) | 15 | |
425 | 1999 Millennium Timekeeper MS in pres. pack scarce. (1) | 8 | |
426 | 2000 u.m. commemorative sets complete until 5th September. (9 sets) | 14 | |
427 | 2000 Stamp Show MS FDC (1) | 6 | |
428 | 2000 Queen Mother MS in pres. pack. (1) | 8 | |
429 | 2001 Submarine 1st class SG2207 (self adhesive) f.u. scarce item STC £37 (1) | 4 | |
430 | 2001 Submarine MS in pres. pack (1) | 6 | |
431 | 2002 Kipling set in presentation pack (1) | 6 | |
432 | 2003 Birds of Prey set in pres. pack (1) | 6 | |
433 | 2003 Wildings MS ‘collection II’ in pres. pack STC £15 (1) | 6 | |
434 | 2003 Coronation set SG2368-2377 in pres. pack STC £20 (1) | 7 | |
435 | 2003 21st Birthday set in pres. pack. (1) | 7 | |
436 | 2003 Rugby World Cup MS in presentation pack. High trade buying price! (1) | 8 | |
437 | 2004 Locomotives set SG2417-22 in pres. pack STC £30 (1) | 10 | |
438 | 2004 Entente Cordiale set SG2446-7 in pres. pack STC £30 (1) | 8 | |
439 | 2005-2006 (mostly - only a few earlier) kiloware from a charity source. becoming harder to find! some good values seen. c.200gr. (100s) | 3 | |
440 | Five stockbooks with m.&u. QV to QE, some in blocks. STC £6,000+ (100s) | 40 | |
441 | QE commems. - s/book with accum. of stamps in blocks, etc. (c.350+ items) | 28 | |
442 | QE defins. - s/book with colln. of used blocks, booklet panes & coil strips, etc. unusual. (c.400 items) | 26 | |
443 | Seln. of unaddressed FDCs 1985-2000, viewing necessary as mixed condition due to some being damp affected, but useful for f.u. sets. incl. some greetings & booklet panes. (128) | 24 | |
444 | PHQ cards 1970s-80s large range of unused sets, plus later (c.1990s used), useful for f.u. sets. (100s) | 20 | |
445 | S/book with dupl. ranges of commercially used QE commems. 1990s-2003, incl. some better. (100s) | 18 | |
446 | 1d SG336/337 in strip of 3 with large part selvege ex bklt. pane STC £120 u.m. (1) | 16 | |
447 | Well-filled 32-page Lighthouse s/book, with accum. of QE used commems. defins. & P.Dues. bias towards commem issues of the 1990s, with many high values. (1,000s) | 15 | |
448 | FDCs with gutter pairs (some traffic light) corner blocks of 33, etc. Unusual lot in 3 albums. (100+) | 15 | |
449 | QV-QE seln. of stamps in pkts. & on s/cards. Originally intended to be seven lots with a reserve of £46, but questionable quality, so offered as one lot. (100s) | 15 | |
450 | S/book mainly filled with stock of commercially used stamps ‘greetings’ issues, a few other QE items e.g. high values (incl. £10 Britannia x 2) mixed condition throughout. Plus a few other items. (100s) | 14 | |
451 | Small bundle with booklet panes, etc., some varieties (some of these dubious!), etc. take a look (33 items) | 12 | |
452 | GVI defins. on 2 album pages, incl. high vals. & watermark varieties. STC £190 (41) | 12 | |
453 | Box with 1,000s of QE commemoratives sorted into envelopes, plus some defins. (1,000s) | 11 | |
454 | S/book with mainly modern seln. incl. commem. sets, some defin. blocks, etc. mixed condition. (80) | 11 | |
455 | U.K. lots (continued) 1d SG329/333 corner pair with ‘A11’ control (looks like SG331!) & 1d SG341/342 ‘B12’ control in g.u. (minor faults) block of 4; nice lot. (2) | 6 | |
456 | Pre-decimal off-paper seln. 60gr+, a few better. (100s) | 3 | |
Prestige Booklets | |||
The following 11 lots are all prestige booklets and mainly very fine. These are often the only source of special perforations, phosphors, se-tenants, etc. Almost every booklet has a stamp that is not available from any other source than one of its panes. As they get split to release these sought after stamps, the remaining intact booklets become scarcer. why not tuck a few away? | |||
457 | 1992 Wales Cymru SG DX13 STC £20 (1) | 6 | |
458 | 1992 Tolkien SG DX14 STC £25 (1) | 7 | |
459 | 1993 B. Potter SG DX15 STC £24 (1) | 7 | |
460 | 1994 N. Ireland SG DX16 STC £28 (1) | 7 | |
461 | 1995 Nat. Trust SG DX17 STC £28 (1) | 7 | |
462 | 1995 National Trust as last lot. (1) | 7 | |
463 | 1996 Football Championships SG DX18 STC £18 (1) | 8 | |
464 | 1997 BBC SG DX19 STC £25 (1) | 7 | |
465 | 1998 Breaking Barriers SG DX21 STC £30 (1) | 7 | |
466 | 2000 Queen Mother SG DX25 STC £31 (1) | 8 | |
467 | 2000 Trees SG DX26 STC £31 (1) | 8 | |
U.K. Officials | |||
The following 40 lots are British Officials, some are definitely genuine, some are obviously fake, others (most of them in fact!) fall between these categories. Most appear fine, and even those which are undoubtedly fakes would fill a gap in any collection. As there are no certificates, all of the stamps in this section are sold ‘As-is’. | |||
468 | “, I.R. Official 1882-1901 6d SG O4 g.u. with CDS STC £85 (1) | 6 | |
469 | “, “, 1882-1901 1/- SG O7 sound used STC £1,200 (1) | 30 | |
470 | “, “, 1882-1901 1/- SG O15 fresh unused (part gum) STC £550 as mint. (1) | 16 | |
471 | “, “, 1882-1901 1/- SG O15 g.u. with 1899 CDS STC £175 (1) | 10 | |
472 | “, “, 1882-1901 6d SG O18 g.u. STC £80 (1) | 8 | |
473 | “, O.W. official 1896-1902 1/2d SG O31 mint with expertisers mark on back STC £200 looks OK! (1) | 15 | |
474 | “, “, 1896-1902 1/2d SG O32 mint with expertisers mark on reverse. STC £300 (1) | 22 | |
475 | “, “, 1896-1902 1d SG O33 mint expertisers mark on back STC £350 scarce stamp. (1) | 28 | |
476 | “, “, 1896-1902 1d SG O33 g.u. STC £100 (1) | 9 | |
477 | “, “, 1902-03 1/2d SG O36 g.u. STC £150 (1) | 8 | ![]() 478 |
478 | “, “, 1902-03 2d SG O38 m.m. STC £1,500 looks OK, worth a gamble?! (1) | 50 | |
479 | “, “, 1902-03 2d SG O38 g.u. STC £375 (1) | 20 | |
480 | “, Army Official 1896 6d SG O45 side marginal pair u.m., but with horiz. crease. STC £150 as m.m. | 11 | |
481 | “, “, 1902-03 6d SG O50 vertical pair u.m. (couple of gum creases) STC £300 as m.m. attractive. | 22 | |
482 | “, Gov’t. Parcels 1883-86 11/2d SG O61 m.m. slightly patchy gum STC £300 (1) | 14 | |
483 | “, “, 1883-86 6d SG O62 m.m. STC £1,750 rare stamp. (1) | 40 | |
484 | “, “, 1883-86 6d SG O62 av.-sound used with reasonable colour, STC £750 (1) | 22 | |
485 | “, “, 1883-86 9d SG O63 m.m. slightly patchy gum STC £1,500 (1) | 80 | |
486 | “, “, 1883-86 9d SG O63 sound used with good colour STC £600 (1) | 22 | |
487 | “, “, 1883-86 1/- SG O64 pl.13 unused STC £850 as mint. (1) | 11 | |
488 | “, “, 1883-86 1/- SG O64 pl.13 g.u. (nice for these) STC £200 (1) | 22 | |
489 | “, “, 1883-86 1/- SG O64c pl.14 sound used scarce plate STC £300 (1) | 13 | |
490 | “, “, 1887-90 6d SG O66 mint STC £150 (1) | 11 | |
491 | “, “, 1887-90 9d SG O67 m.m. STC £225 (1) | 16 | |
492 | “, “, 1887-90 6d to 1/- SG O66-O68 g.u. STC £245 (3) | 9 | ![]() 496 |
493 | “, “, 1891-1900 41/2d SG O71 STC £180 g.u. quite nice for these. (1) | 10 | |
494 | “, “, 1902 2d SG O75 m.m. STC £140 (1) | 14 | |
495 | “, “, 1902 6d SG O76 m.m. (slightly trimmed perfs. at left) STC £240 (1) | 9 | |
496 | “, “, 1902 1/- SG O78 mint (fine, but for horizontal crease) STC £800 (1) | 36 | ![]() 497 |
497 | U.K. Officials (continued), Board of Education 1902 5d SG O81 mint STC £2,000 rare stamp. (1) | 36 | |
498 | “, “, 1902-04 1/2d SG O83 m.m. STC £150 (1) | 16 | |
499 | “, “, 1902-04 1d m.m. SG O84 slightly patchy gum. STC £150 (1) | 16 | |
500 | “, “, 1902-04 5d SG O86 sound used STC £4,000 good spacefiller. (1) | 6 | ![]() 500 |
501 | “, “, 1902-04 1/- SG O87 must be a forgery! good spacefiller. (1) | 6 | |
502 | “, Royal Household 1902 1d SG O92 m.m. STC £300 (1) | 36 | |
503 | “, “, 1902 1d SG O92 g.-f.u. STC £150 (slightly short corner) (1) | 11 | |
504 | “, Admiralty Official 1903 11/2d SG O103 m.m. slightly patchy gum STC £225 (1) | 15 | |
505 | “, “, 1903 2d SG O104 g.u. STC £125 (1) | 9 | |
506 | “, “, 1903 21/2d SG O105 g.u. STC £110 (1) | 9 | |
507 | “, “, 1903 3d SG O106 g.u. STC £120 (1) | 9 | |
Channel Islands & I. O. M. | |||
508 | Channel Is. 1948 Liberation 21/2d SG C2 u.m. corner block of 4 with ‘broken wheel’ variety (1) | 6 | |
509 | “, 1948 Liberation 21/2d in u.m. corner block of 4 with ‘crown flaw’ variety (1) | 6 | |
510 | Guernsey 1937 2d SG465 bisected on cover STC £40, scarce item. (1) | 11 | |
511 | “, 1941-44 s/card with 1/2d’s (17) with good ranges of shades, many u.m. high cat. (17) | 26 | |
512 | “, 1941-44 1/2d & 1d Banknote paper pair SG4-5. m.m. STC £40+ (2) | 8 | |
513 | “, 1964 21/2d SG6 on illus. FDC STC £30 (1) | 6 | |
514 | Isle of Man 1993 u.m. issues complete. Attractive lot, high face & cat. (39 & 1MS) | 9 | |
515 | “, 1994 £5 Hologram stamp on Hologram FDC (1) | 2 | |
516 | “, 1994 u.m. issues compl. with commems., £2 & £5 defins., etc. face = £22+ (7 sets, 2 defins., 2MS) | 12 | |
517 | “, 1996 issues compl. u.m. high face. (42 & 3MS) | 12 | |
518 | “, 1997 issues compl. u.m. high face, nice lot for thematics. (39 & 4MS) | 12 | |
519 | Jersey 1943-44 11/2d SG5 bottom marginal gutter block of 6 with cyl. ‘4’ mark. STC £42+ (1) | 9 | |
520 | “, 1943-44 2d SG6 bottom marginal gutter block of 4 STC £26 some split perfs. & toning. (1) | 7 | |
521 | “, 1943-44 set SG3-8 on neat reg cover (1944) (6) | 6 |