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Monday, 22nd February 2010


Boroughmuir Rubgy Club Pavilion

Meggetland (off Colinton Road), Edinburgh, EH14 1AS
Check Sale Starts at 7:00 PM with viewing from 5:45

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All World Mixed Lots

1A well-filled, heavy box with old junior albums, stamps on pages, in pkts., stockcards, etc. Some covers and cards; all in all, a grand lot to keep you busy over the weekend! (1,000s)42
2Thematics - 24 page stockbook with extensive range of categories, hardly any ‘wallpaper’, worth checking carefully. (1,900+)36
3Sorting box with thousands of stamps in tins & boxes (some of these interesting in their own right!) others on s/leaves, in album & loads more besides. (1,000s)32
4Box with on and off-paper stamps, covers, cards in stockcards, albums, pkts., boxes & loose. Some decent quality material seen, Many hours of fun here! (1,000s)32
5S/book with odd but interesting and possibly very worthwhile seln. of stamps. Strength in France & Colonies, Yugoslavia; C/welath with Hong Kong, ... careful checking required for this lot! (100s)28
6Box with sixteen junior albums/small stockbooks plus various stamps on leaves, covers and cards. Strength in 1950s-70s; all world. (1,000s)26
7Box with stamps in pkts., on leaves, old appro. books, some covers and loads of sorting fun! (1,000s)22
8Large shoebox filled with interesting All world early-modern stamps & covers, a great sort! (1,000s?)22
9Shoebox with world ranges in pkts., on lvs., some covers, etc. Loads of fun in this lot! (1,000s)20
10Box with sorting mix on & off-paper stamps, covers, etc. little of individual value seen, but still well worth checking. (1,000s)17
11Sorting lot - Boxful, little individual commercial value, but loads of pleasure & enjoyment! (1,000s)16
12Shoebox with off-paper stamps in pkts. (much Germany), loads of sorting. (1,000s)14
13Box with a few old appro. books, off-paper in tub & cigar box, 3 junior albums, etc. (1,000s)14
14Small box with albums, s/book, stamps on leaves, etc. Poor to fine. (100s)14
15South & Central America - s/book with mainly used ranges. (800+)14
16Off-paper foreign stamps (c.350gr) proceeds to charity. (100s)11
17Box with on & off-paper stamps in pkts., etc. (ignore the UK kiloware), well worth inspection! (100s)11
18FDCs - album with 1970s UN FDCs, album with 1960s-70s UK FDCs plus printed album for Channel Is. with colln of stamps (mainly Alderney) (100+)10
19Naval covers - seln. of UK 1970s (mainly), no duplication, most fine. (18)9
20World kiloware - 250gr of good grade kiloware, from charity source (1,000+)7
21World kiloware - a similar lot to the last. (1,000+)7
22Thematics - small stockbook with seln. of mainly Animals, Flowers & Birds. (100s)6

British Commonwealth

231935 Silver Jubilee m.m. sets for Br. Guiana, Br. Honduras, Jamaica & Seychelles. most fine (16)19
24Royalty - various in two albs. incl. MSs for 2002; 1997 & 2000 FDCs, etc. Expensive when new!18
251935 S. Jubilee m.m. sets for Cook Is., NZ, Niue, Papua, Samoa & SWA, most fine STC £55+ (6 sets)18
26Tin with large quantity of dupl. off-paper stamps, early-modern, worth spending some time with. (1,000s)15
271935 S. Jubilee m.m. sets for Cayman Is., Dominica, Montserrat & Trinidad & Tobago STC £40+ (16)12
28Off-paper seln., c.350gr, early to modern, a few UK. Proceeds to charity. (1,000s)11
29Album with what was a reasonable colln. early-modern (mainly middle), but heavily picked. (100s)8
30Tub with seln. of used QV stamps, poor to fine. (150+)8
311935 S. Jubilee m.m. sets for Basutoland, Bechuanaland & Swaziland STC £23+ (12)8
321946 Victory range m.&u. (incl. 3 pairs. (30)5
331935 S. Jubilee m.m. sets for St. Kitts & St. Vincent. STC £15 (8)5
341935 S. Jubilee m.m. sets for Gambia & Nigeria, most fine. (8)5

Postcard Lots

35Dundee - coloured card ‘Magdalen Green Station’ postally used 1904 (message refers to Buffalo Bill’s visit to Dundee) slight peripheral faults consonant with usage. (1)1

Cinderellas, Ephemera, etc.

36U.K. Locals - Lundy 1982 defins. 11 vals. in u.m. complete sheets of 72; STC £399 (11 sheets)30
37“, Birnbeck, Looe, Longay, Lundy, Herm, etc. on leaves and loose. (100s)15
38U.K. TV licence labels £7 to £18, M1 - M3, M5 & C1 - C15 used, some on piece. (23)15

Accessories, Supplies, etc.

39Stockbooks - Compass 32B (black-page 32 pages/64 sides) New (1)15
40S/books - Compass 24B (as last, but 24 page) new. (1)12
41S/books - Compass 16B (as last, but 16 page) new (1)9
42S/books - 16 page (32 side) white, full-size page s/books x2, new (2)9
43S/books - 16 page as last lot. (2)9
44S/books - 30 page (60 sides) white, full-sized pages, new (1)8
45S/books - 30 page as last lot (1)8
46S/books - 8 white pages (16 sides), full size, new x2 (2)6
47S/books - 8 page as last lot. (2)6
48SG Commonwealth Catalogue 2010, new, Retail £72.50 (1)50
49Ramsey’s Die-Cast Model Toy Price guide 2003 loads of useful info. & photos. (1)4
50U-V light; battery powered shortwave lamp (suitable for phosphors) New. (1)16
51SG Instatector Watermark Detector, new! (1)12

Stamps Arranged by Country

52Aden 1937 Dhows 1/2a, 1a, 3a, 31/2a, 8a, 1r m.m. STC £95+ (6)10
53Andorra (French) 1961-65 u.m. with ‘61 SG F174-7, commem. sets SG F186-192 compl.; also later booklet with SG F401 x10 STC £70+ (11, 1 bklt)14
54“, (Fr.) P.Dues with 1935, ‘37, & ‘43 sets, ‘46 10c to 10f all m. (fair to fine) STC £80 (23)12
55Antigua GVI commem. sets 10949 RSW, UPU & Universities SG112-9 STC £23+ g.u. (7)7
56Ascension 1935 Silver Jubilee set SG31-34 f.u. STC £90, nice set (4)22
57“, 1938-53 m.m. seln. incl. 1d black & green ‘Green Mountain’ (STC £45), etc. (10)12
58Australian States, N.S.W. 1851-55 2d (believed to be SG55) v.f.u., 4 margins (close to very wide) (1)14
59“, “, 1853 8d SG79 f.u. very attractive 4 margins, STC £600 but with very minor paper faults. (1)95
60“, “, 1854-59 8d yellow SG97 used 4 good margins, but not guaranteed (ie maybe trimmed perf. stamp) 26mm vert. x 27mm horiz, STC £1,400 if correct. Faults, but attractive. (1)16
61“, “, 1888-90 5/- ‘OS’ overprint in red SG O47 f.u.; beautiful stamp STC £500, but as there’s no certificate, it’s sold ‘as-is’ (1)80
62“, “, 1890-91 5/- OS o’print in black SG O49 g.u. STC £120 (1)40
63“, Queensland 1907-11 1d pair used with shifted perf. on one stamp. SG288 (1 pair)10
64Australia 1931-36 5/- & 10/- SG135-6 g.u. STC £155, scarce. (2)26
65“, 1963-65 Navigators set SG355-360 g.u. STC £100 (6)18
66“, Officials 1931 air set SG O123-4 f.u. STC £46 (2)12
67A.A.T. 1957-2001 used colln. on leaves, apparently complete (no MSs) STC £180+ 30
68Austria Folder with seln. of mainly pre-war stamps on lvs., etc. some better/unusual seen. (100s)6
69“, Lomb. & Ven. used ranges from 1850 imperfs with 15c (6), 30c (5), 45c (2) plus later incl. 1859 10s x2, etc. noting p’marks (Da Venezia Col Vapore) x2, etc. mostly good to fine (19)14
70“, P.Os in Crete 1903-08 mainly used range with many better vals. incl. SG F3, F15, F21-2, etc. STC £235+ Also 1903 2f on 2k used STC £375 & 4f on 4k u. STC £650 - cancels look ok, but ‘as-is’ 95
71“, Venezia Guillia 1918 o’print on Austria m. or u. incl. 60h, 80h u., 1k m., STC £32+ (11)7
72Bahamas 1863-77 ‘CC’ 4d SG35 g.-f.u. light blue crayon mark STC £40 (1)6
73“, 1918 1/2d War Tax SG91 in f.u. horiz strip of 3, scarce multiple. STC £126 (1)15
74“, 1935 Silver Jubilee set SG141-4 f.u. STC £35 (4)9
75“, 1938-52 £1 SG157/157b m.m. STC £60 minimum - probably SG157d STC £180! (1)13
76Bahrain 1938-41 5r SG34 in g.u. block of 4 STC £52, slightly rounded corner. (1)9
77Barbados 1921-24 1/- SG226 (mult. script) m.m. STC £50 (1)8
78“, 1935 Silver Jubilee set SG241-4 g.u. STC £35 (4)8
79Bechuanaland 1885-87 1/- SG8 g.u. (repaired hole) STC £170, scarce stamp. (1)18
80“, 1888 2/- SG16 g.u. STC £45 (1)10
81“, 1888 2/6 SG17 g.u. STC £70 a few rough perfs. at top. (1)12
82“, 1904-13 21/2d SG69a stop after ‘p’ in protectorate g.u. ST C£1,300, not too bad looking stamp. ‘As-is’13
83“, 1925 6d SG97 m.m. STC £48 (1)8
84“, 1961 m.m. set to 2r (u.m. to 20c) STC £65 (14)12
85Belgium 1919-67 m./u.m. ranges noting ‘28 TB set u.m., ‘31 10f SG591 m.m., etc. STC £165 (74)22
86“, c.1946 “-10%” range, mostly handstruck on 1944 1f50 (72), etc. Plus range of pre-cancels. (126)9
87Bermuda 1936 6d SG104 in 2 blocks of 4, 3d SG114a block of 4, 1/- SG115 block of 10. g.u. (3)4
88“, 1938-53 12/6 SG120a g.u. (water stained on back) STC £75 (1)11
89Brazil c.1899-1906 m.&u. incl. 1906 Pan-Am set m. (100r small thin, 200r STC £90) STC £160+ (18)16
90Br. Antarctic Terr. 1984 Marine Life set SG123-138 u.m. STC £17 (16)6
91“, 1998 Birds set SG290-301 u.m. STC £39+ (12)12
92British East Africa 1890 4a brown SG11ab imperf. (unfortunately only single), 3 good to very wide margins, light diagonal crease, attractive STC £2,500 as pair. (1)12
93British Guiana 1898 Jubilee 10c f.u. & 15c m.m. STC £52 (2)5
94B.I.O.T. 1969-76 stamps compl. SG32-89 (no SG40 or MSs) m.m./u.m. STC £103+ (56)14
95British Levant 1913-14 5pi SG40 g.u. STC £60 (1)10
96Br. Occup. of Italian Colls. Eritrea 1948-49 10/- SG E12 g.u. STC £22 (1)7
97Br. Somaliland 1903 set SG18-30 (the low overprint set) m.m. STC £300 (13)55
98Br. Virgin Is. 1935 Silver Jubilee set SG103-6 f.u. STC £38 (4)10
99Cameroun s/book with u.m. seln. of stamps 1972-83 incl. sets & high vals. (191)15
100Canada 1897 Jubilee 10c SG131 g.u. STC £50 (1)10
101“, 1897 Jubilee 50c SG135 f.u. (slight short corner) STC £100 (1)10
102“, from 1859 5c (2) (rounded corner) 121/2c all used, 1/2c SG53 u., later small heads with better, 1897-8 set used, mostly fair to fine STC £369 minimum. (18)44
103“, P.Dues 1906-28 Basic set of 5 (between SG D1 & D8) mint STC £120 minimum (5)28
104“, GV mint range incl. 1911-22 7c, later defins., STC £98 also ‘22 1c chrome yellow imperf. single (17)18
105“, Coil stamp 1924 2c p.12 x imperf. f.u., quite scarce STC £65 (1)15
106“, GV/GVI range of coils mainly used STC £75 plus 2c+1c SG234 m. (small thin, not counted) (15)9
107Cape of Good Hope 1855-58 1d SG5a 21/2 margins, g.u. STC £200 (1)12
108“, 1863-64 1d SG18/18c 3 margins STC £225 minimum. (1)15
109“, 1863-64 1/- SG21 3 margins g.u. STC £475 scarce. (1)40
110Cayman Is. 1902-03 6d brown SG6 m.m. STC £29 expertiser’s mark on gum. (1)7
111“, 1902-03 1/- (CA) SG7 m.m. slight mark in gum. STC £60 (1)12
112“, 1905 6d brown (mult. CA) SG11 u.m. STC £16 as m.m. (1)7
113“, 1905 1/- SG12 (mult. CA) m.m. STC £28 (1)10
114“, 1907 4d SG13 mint STC £32 (1)8
115“, 1907 6d SG14 poor mint, not too bad from front. STC £32 (1)6
116“, 1907 1/- violet & green SG15 m.m. (gum toning, etc.) STC £55 (1)10
117“, 1907 5/- SG16 mint, slight gum faults, STC £190 scarce item. (1)40
118“, 1907 1/2d on 1d SG17 m.m. STC £50 (1)19
119“, 1907 1/2d on 5/- SG18 l.m.m. expert. mark on gum believed to be genuine, but sold ‘as-is’ STC £27580
120“, 1907 1d on 5/- SG19 m.m., one pulled perf. STC £250, looks nice, but ‘as-is’ out of necessity (1)38
121“, 1907-09 5/- green and red on yellow SG32 m.m. STC £38 (1)11
122“, 1921-26 10/- SG63 (mult. script) m.m. STC £60 (1)20
123“, 1953-62 set m.m. (some u.m., incl. 5/- & 10/-) STC £100 (15)14
124Ceylon 1938-49 50c SG394 p.13 x 111/2 m.m. STC £160 scarce perf. (1)18
125China (PRC) 1994 Year Book. (1)6
126Cook Is. 1938 2/- & 3/- wmk. star SG128-129 g.u. STC £53 (2)9
127Cyprus 1880 1/- SG6 g.u. STC £450. Overprint looks a little ‘iffy’, still nice, sold ‘as-is’ (1)18
128“, 1886 1/2d surcharges SG27 & 29 g.u. STC £83 (2)9
129“, 1935 Silver Jubilee set SG144-7 g.u. STC £27 (4)7
130Danzig 1929 Phil. Ex. set SG207-9 marginal u.m. STC ¤45 (3)10
131Denmark 1904 25ø & 50ø SG106/107 g.u. m.m. STC £77 (2)9
132“, 1929 Cancer Research set SG252-4 m.m. STC £43+ (3)8
133Dodecanese Is. 1912 ‘Egeo’ 50c SG2 u. (2), Rhodes 1929-44 mainly mint incl. airs, charities, parcel post, etc. plus 1912 o’prints of Islands on Italy STC £100+ (56)16
134Egypt 1914 set SG75-82 m.m. (some u.m. incl. top value) STC £80 (10)16
135“, 1916-19 range of picture postcards with army PO Nos. SZ10, 11, 14, 23, 27 & 28, all but one with censor marks also. Fair/good condition; some scarcer included. PTSA £43 (6)18
136“, Alexandria 1875 6d SG Z37 pl.12 g.u. ‘BO1’ strike, a few toned perfs., etc. STC £80 (1)9
137Falkland Is. 1921-29 1/- SG79 (script) g.u. STC £48 (1)9
138F.I.D. 1944-45 the over print sets complete m.m. SG A1- D8 STC £96 (32)13
139“, 1944-45, as last lot, but g.-f.u. STC £40 (32)11
140“, 1948-49 Thin Map set SG G9-16 m.m. STC £95 (9)13
141Faroe Is. c.1977-96 u.m. ranges incl. sets, ‘83 Nordic House MS (f.u.), ‘85 Aircraft bklt., etc. STC £6815
142Fiji 1935 Silver Jubilee set SG242-5 l.m.m. (very fresh) (4)4
143“, 1941 illus. FFCs, 9 Nov Suva-Noumea (censored) with SG252-257, 258; 14 Nov. Suva-USA with SG263 x2, both with backstamps. (2)9
144Finland 1875-91 used range incl. (by simpl.) 1875 10p brown (4), 32p red (3), 1m mauve (2), 25p (both), etc., the odd fault, mostly sound or better. Also 1891 50k m. (thin -not counted) STC £240+ (14)28
145France 1920 Merson 10f SG431 u.m. slight gum bends (as usual) centred left, scarce so fresh STC 1,700f (Yvert 2000) SG £90 as m.m. (1)28
146“, P.Os. in Tangier 1928 Air set SG30-39 m.m. STC £22+ (10)6
147Germany 1927-40 m. seln. incl. ‘27 Welfare, ‘32 Welfare (SG485-9) Wagner 25pf, ‘39 Motor Show, Derby, ‘39 & 40 Brown Ribbon, etc. STC £170 plus ‘28 Zepp. 4m used (blunt corner) (18)32
148“, 1934 Welfare 40pf SG559 u.m. tone spot on back. STC £130 (1)8
149“, 1937-45 m./u.m., some sets, STC £40+ (29)6
150“, m.&u. selection, 1920s-40s poor to fine, worth checking. (200+)8
151“, Allied Zones 1946 ‘Numeral’ MS, perf. & imperf. m.m. (only slight trace of hinge mark) STC £18012
152“, Fr. Zone, Baden 1948-9 u.m. range (one stamp f.u.) incl. ‘49 Engineers, Goethe, etc. STC £85 (10)11
153“, “, “, 1949 Stamp Cent. set f.u. STC £26 (2)8
154“, “, Württemberg 1948 u.m. range incl. better defins., ‘49 Werner set, etc. plus Goethe 10pf u. (14)14
155“, B.R.D. 1953 Humanitarian set SG1099-1102 on plain reg. FDC to Zurich with Ifraba 10+2 & 60pf SG1048. Cover a little creased at left, stamps unaffected. stamps alone STC £145 (1)28
156“, Berlin 1950 ERP 20pf f.u. STC £44 (1)9
157“, WWII Occupations, Estonia 1941 o’prints 5k to 1k m.; also similar Latvia odds a few 1919, etc. (19)6
158“, Upper Silesia accum. on old club bklt. pages, mainly f.u. some on piece, with many clear p’marks. Noting 1920 50pf (9), 1m (7), 5m (7) all u.; ‘22 surch. set m.&u., etc. STC £320+ , also Germany 1875 25pf (pfennige) x7 f.u., some shades STC £147 (42)60
159“, Locals Gorlitz 1945 (late Sept) set Mi.13-16 u.m. & f.u. STC ¤30 (8)8
160“, “, Grossraschen 1945 (20 Dec) set Mi.31-42 f.u. STC ¤12 minimum. (12)4
161“, “, Storkow 1946 (31 Jan) Mi. 9-14 f.u. STC ¤30 (4)8
162Gibraltar 1889 surcharges 40c & 50c SG19-20 m.m. STC £105 (2)14
163“, 1938 5d SG125c m. (quite heavy mount) with horseshoe ‘Specimen’ perfin. (1)11
164“, 1993 Architecture set SG695-708 u.m. STC £54+ high face. (22)11
165“, QV-GV mainly mint seln. incl. QV 25c, 50c m., GV vals. to 1/-, etc. STC £80 (12)11
166Gilbert & Ellice Is. 1935 Silver Jubilee set SG36-9 g.u. STC £48 (4)13
167Gold Coast 1952-54 defin. set SG153-164 m.m. STC £45 (12)5
168Greece 1917-38 mainly used ranges incl. 1917 vals. to 5d m., 10d u. (plus unissued 4d mint); 1930 Indep. set complete f.u., etc. STC £120 (39)32
169“, 1933 Air set SG461-7 f.u. most attractive set STC £79 22
170“, 1955 Pythagorean & 1957 Rotary sets SG742-6 m.m. STC £71+ (5)10
171Hong Kong 1862-63 18c no wmk. SG4 f.u. STC £60 (1)9
172“, 1863-1904 u. ranges, mostly sound or better strength in E7 with vals. to 50c (2 diff) & $1. STC £166+19
173“, 1938-52 30c SG151 p.14 m.m. STC £150 (1)18
174“, 1938-52 $10 SG162 u.m. STC £140 (1)30
175“, 1941 Centenary set SG163-8 m.m. STC £80 (6)9
176“, 1954-62 range of vals. used on large pieces of reg. letters to Naafi HQ incl. $5 (6) & $10 (10), etc. STC £100+ (37 stamps on 7 pieces)12
177Hungary 1977 Danube Nav. MS imperf. u.m. STC ¤120, scarce. (1)16
178Iceland 1930 Air set SG174-8 m.m. (some u.m.) STC £181 (5)28
179India 1937-40 set to 12a SG247-258 m.m. ST C£95+ (12)11
180“, States GV/GVI mainly u.m. ranges of Patiala, Jind, etc. some better. ST C£63+ (33)11
181“, “, GV/GVI mainly u.m. ranges of Jind (incl. useful ‘37-38 ‘transport’ vals.) & Gwalior STC £368
182“, “, Chamba 1942-47 15r SG106 u.m. STC £160, very scarce. (1)42
183“, “, “, 1942-47 25r SG107 u.m. STC £140 fine stamp. (1)40
184“, “, “, Officials 1927-29 10r SG O60 u.m. STC £70 for m.m., key stamp. (1)22
185Iraq 1948 set to 1d mint SG271-296 u.m. (15f SG283 is m.m.) STC £114+ (26)18
186“, 1949-58 range of u.m. sets from 1949 Air to 1958 Army Day STC £48 (26)8
187Ireland 1965, ‘66 & ‘68 Europa sets u.m. in gutter pairs, unusual. basic stamps STC £34 (6 pairs)11
188Italy Back of Book incl. P.Dues 1884 set f.u., some Parcel post, etc. STC £45 (32)8
189“, Eritrea c.1910-30 u. ranges on pieces incl. lion type 1L on 10a, ‘25 2L SG98 (2), etc. STC £120 (14)18
190“, Somalia 1923 set SG44-7 m.m./u.m. typical toned gum. STC £15 (4)3
191Jamaica 1921-38 seln. incl. ‘21-29 5/- m.&u. (2 shades), ‘32 6d m., etc. STC £85 minimum. (9)15
192Japan 1894-1921 u ranges sl. dupl. incl. 1896 China war set, 105 3/-, 1915 10/-, other useful. (21)16
193“, 1914 range 1/2s to 10s SG167-176 (no 7s) & 30s SG180 plus ‘22 20s SG305 m.m. STC £130+ (12)14
194K.U.T. 1935 10/- SG122 m.m. STC £80, good stamp. (1)20
195Latvia 1935 Wounded airmen set SG231a-234a m.m. STC £58 (10s short corner. (4)8
196Leeward Is. 1935 Silver Jubilee set SG88-91 g.u. STC £29 (4)8
197“, 1954 set SG126-140 m.m. STC £50 (15)9
198Liechtenstein 1930 3r to 25r SG96-100 & ‘30 air set SG110-5 m.m. STC £123+ good lot. (11)14
199Luxembourg 1957 Europa set on illus. FDC, stamps alone STC £44 (1)12
200Malaya seln. in pkts., with States, FMS, etc. worth looking through (100s)5
201“, Straits Settlements 1867 2c on 1a SG2 unused; attractive despite small nick at top STC £140 as m.m.15
202“, “, 1867 6c on 2a SG5 g.-f.u. cancelled with MS ‘cd’ & octagonal cancel STC £250 (1)50
203“, “, 1883 2c on 32c SG559 f.u. STC £250, attractive, but sold ‘as-is’ (1)28
204“, “, 1883 2c on 4c SG61 m.m. STC £80 (1)26
205“, “, 1883-91 96c SG71 g.-f.u. STC £55, slightly smudgy Singapore cancel. (1)19
206“, “, 1884 8 on 8c on 12c SG80 g.-f.u. STC £400 repaired top left corner, still very attractive. (1)38
207“, “, 1906-07 1c SG141 m.m. STC £70 (1)20
208“, “, 1906-07 3c SG143 m.m. slightly blunt perfs. at top STC £20 (1)6
209“, “, 1906-07 25c SG149 m.m. (gum disturbance) STC £24 (1)5
210“, “, 1906-07 50c SG150 m.m. (flat gum) STC £21 (1)5
211“, “, 1906-07 $1 SG151 m.m. (slightly flattish gum) STC £48 (1)10
212“, “, 1912-23 $5 SG212 m.m. STC £100, good stamp (1)24
213“, “, 1912-23 $25 SG213 light fiscal use (oval cancel); strengthened top right corner and very small thin at base - looks very attractive from front. STC £475 as postal. (1)50
214“, “, 1912-23 $2 SG211 g.-f.u. STC £48 (1)11
215“, “, 1912-23 $5 SG212a f.u. STC £75 (1)19
216“, “, 1935 Silver Jubilee set SG256-9 g.-f.u. STC £17 (4)6
217“, F.M.S. 1922-34 $5 green & blue SG80 f.u. (fiscal CDS) STC £190 as postal (1)20
218Malaya (cont’d.), Johore 1884-86 2c SG6 unused (no gum) STC £190 as m.m. (1)24
219“, “, 1884-86 2c SG8 m.m. small, unobtrusive closed nick at top, sold ‘as-is’ STC £110 (1)15
220“, “, 1891 2c on 24c SG17 m.m. STC £27 (1)9
221“, “, 1891 2c on 24c SG18 f.u. (c.t.o.?) STC £140, minor overall toning, attractive stamp (1)36
222“, “, 1891 2c on 24c SG19 l.m.m. STC £42 (1)18
223“, “, 1891 2c on 24c SG20 mint (sl. gum faults), attractive and scarce. STC £120 (1)28
224“, “, 1891 $1 SG27 m.m. (slightly flat gum, etc.) STC £80 (1)19
225“, “, 1896 $1 Coron. with both types of overprint SG38 & 38a l.m.m. both fresh & attractive. STC £8828
226“, “, 1896-99 50c SG48 m.m. lightly toned gum STC £16 (1)4
227“, “, 1896-99 $1 SG49 m.m. STC £32 (1)11
228“, “, 1896-99 $3 SG51 mint (u.m. - mounted on margin only) STC £38+ attractive. (1)18
229“, “, 1949-55 short set compl. to $2 g.u.-f.u. (no $5) STC £36+ (20)7
230“, Kedah 1919 50c on $2 SG24 m.m. (slightly toned gum) STC £70 (1)19
231“, “, 1919 $1 on $3 SG25 m.m., only STC £20?! (1)8
232“, “, 1921-32 $2 SG38 (mult. CA) fine m.m. centred high-left, low cat., but difficult stamp. (1)5
233“, “, 1921-32 $3 SG39 m.m. STC £70 (1)19
234“, Kelantan 1911-15 $1 SG9 (green & green) f.u. STC £35 (1)12
235“, “, 1911-15 $25 m.m. SG12 STC £50 (1)17
236“, “, 1921-28 50c SG22 f.u. STC £45 (1)10
237“, “, 19221-28 $1 SG23 f.u. (c.t.o.) STC £85 (1)18
238“, “, 1951-55 range of g.u./f.u. vals. to $1, also the $2 fresh m. & the $5 u. (short corner - not counted) STC £54 (17)12
239“, Negri Sembilan 1891-94 5c blue SG4 f.u. (c.t.o.) STC £42 (1)12
240“, “, 1895-99 2c SG6 m.m. STC £35 (1)9
241“, “, 1957-63 $2 p.13 x 121/2 & $5 p.121/2 both u.m. STC £33 (2)10
242“, Pahang 1898-99 10c & 25c SG19, 20 m.m. (10c slight hinge thin) both attractive STC £108 (2)30
243“, “, 1898-99 50c SG21 (purple & black) unused - traces of gum, some paper adhesion STC £450 as m.m. (£500 used) (1)48
244“, “, 1898-99 50c SG22 (green & black) unused - traces of gum & paper adhesions, slight marks to face (cleaned fiscal?) STC £275 as m.m. (£375 used) (1)28
245“, “, 1957-62 $2 & $5, both p.13 x 121/2 and u.m. STC £22 minimum. (2)7
246“, Penang 1957 set SG44-54 m.m. STC £50 (11)9
247“, Jap. Occ’n. general issues, Perak range m. or u. (incl. SG J261b m., J262 m., etc.) STC £67+ (7)15
248“, “, Selangor range of o’prints/surch’s., mainly u.m., all different, only STC £15, not common. (11)4
249Maldive Is. 1967 World Fair set in u.m. imperf. blocks of 6, STC £18 as perf. (6)8
250Malta 1886 5/- SG30 g.u. STC £80 (1)13
251“, 1899-1901 41/2d, 5d & 10/- SG32, 33 & 35 m.m. STC £156 (3)28
252“, 1922-26 set SG123-137, plus 3d shade m.m./u.m. (21/2d toned gum) STC £163+ (17)30
253“, 1922-26 5/- SG137 m.m. STC £21 (1)7
254“, 1922-26 10/- SG138 u.m. STC £60 as m.m. (1)18
255“, 1926-27 10/- SG172 (postage) m.m. STC £65 (1)19
256“, 1928 2/-, 2/6 (few rough perfs.) and 3/- SG188-190 m.m. STC £61 (3)15
257“, 1928 5/- overprint SG191 m.m. STC £35 (1)9
258“, 1928 10/- overprint SG192 m.m. STC £70 (1)19
259“, 1930 2/6 & 3/- SG206-7 m.m. STC £52 (2)12
260“, 1930 5/- SG208 (postage & revenue) m.m. STC £45 (1)15
261“, 1930 10/- SG209 (post. & rev.) m.m. STC £95, a few bluntish perfs. (1)28
262“, 1938-43 set SG217-231 u.m. (scarce as such) STC £55 (21)16
263“, 1948-53 set SG234-248 u.m. (10/- hingeless mount mark) STC £80 (21)16
264“, 1949 RSW set SG249-250 u.m. STC £38+ (2)14
265“, QV-E7 m.&u. incl. 1/2d ‘CC’ u. (2 shades, sl. perf. faults), later QV to 1/- u., Galley types with 5d (both), etc./ mostly sound STC £212 minimum. (18)22
266Mauritius 1860 no wmk. 6d & 9d SG50, 51 g.u. STC £142 (2)15
267“, 1891 2c SG118a (inverted surch.) looks u.m., STC £75 as m.m. (1)11
268“, 1891 2c SG118a (inverted surch.) g.u. uncat. as used. (1)10
269“, 1935 Silver Jubilee set SG245-8 f.u. STC £50 (4)13
270“, 1972-74 set SG437-454 u.m. STC £42 (18)8
271Monaco 1885-1937 mainly f.u. seln. incl. 1891 5c blue, 75c (2 shades), 1f, 5f; 1924 1f10, 3f, etc. STC £240+ (32)28
272“, 1979-97 range of Red Cross sets u.m. STC £65+ (34)12
273Montserrat 1880 21/2d SG4 g.u. STC £180 (1)26
274“, 1880 4d blue SG5 ‘CC’, would be v.f.u., but for small faults. STC £40 (1)3
275“, 1981 Fish set SG490-505 u.m. STC £19 (16)6
276Morocco Agencies 1907-13 set SG31-8 m.m. STC £150 (8)32
277“, 1907 2/6 SG38 m.m. STC £95 (1)22
278“, 1949 set SG77-93 m.m. STC £70 (17)14
279“, 1914-26 3p on 2/6 SG142 u.m. STC £23 as m.m. (1)8
280“, 1938 reg. cover with 4 vals incl. 3f on 2/6 SG235 ( a few lightly toned perfs.) (1)6
281“, 1950-51 set SG280-8 u.m. (10/- is l.m.m.) STC £48 (9)11
282“, 1955 set SG310-2 u.m. STC £21 (3)7
283Mozambique 1938-60s f.u. ranges with better incl. ‘51 Fish 30c, 50c, etc. STC £40 (37)7
284Netherlands 1867-91 used ranges, almost all g.-f. (faulty not counted) incl. 1867 10c (5), 15c (2), 20c (3), 25c; 1869 21/2c (2), 1872 range, etc. plus ‘81 P.Dues, various perf. varieties noted STC (given by simplified) £550+, well worth checking. (55)85
285Newfoundland 1865-71 5c SG26 g.u. slightly smudgy cancel STC £170 (1)19
286New Guinea 1935 £2 SG204 m.m. slight gum toning & light gum folds. STC £275, scarce item. (1)24
287New Hebrides 1925 set SG43-51 f.u. STC £120 (9)18
288New Zealand 1913-25 2/- SG O85 official overprint g.u. STC £50 (1)11
289“, 1913-25 5/- SG O86 official o’print g.u. STC £110 (1)22
290“, 1940 Official Centennial set SG O141-O151 m.m. STC £170 (11)30
291“, 1940-41 illus FFCs with 19 Jy 40 NZ-USA ‘Service resumed’ with SG589c x2; 11 No 41 NZ-Fiji with SG585, 587. Both with cachets & backstamps (2)9
292Niger Coast 1894 ‘Oil Rivers obliterated’ set SG45-50 m.m. (plus 1d shade) STC £65 minimum. (7)12
293“, Lagos 1893 1/2d SG42a double surch. u.m. STC £55 as m.m. (1)12
294“, Southern Nigeria 1901-02 sd to 2/6 SG3-7 m.m. STC £64+ (5)12
295Northern Rhodesia 1925-29 set to 3/- SG1-13 m.m. STC £108+ (13)26
296“, 1925-29 2/- to 5/- SG11-14 g.u. STC £79 (4)15
297“, 1925-29 2/- SG11 v.f.u. STC £28 (1)12
298“, 1925-29 2/6 SG12 m.m. (1)6
299“, 1925-29 3/- SG13 m.m. STC £29 (1)8
300“, 1925-29 5/- SG14 m.m. STC £42 some sl. natural gum spots. (1)12
301“, 1925-29 10/- SG16 m.m. STC £75 (1)19
302“, 1948 RSW set SG48-49 m.m. STC £55 (2)14
303“, 1953 set SG61-74 m.m. STC £60 (14)11
304North West Russia Western Army, o’printed on Latvia 1919 with 1st type 3k, 35k SG32, 37 both m.; also Liberation of Riga set SG40-42 m. STC £37+ (5)8
305Nyasaland 1938 £1 SG143 g.u. STC £38 (1)12
306“, 1948 RSW set SG161-2 u.m. STC £17+ (2)7
307Oil Rivers 1893 1/2d (1d bisect) SG7 mint STC £150, believed to be genuine, but sold ‘as-is’. (1)24
308Pakistan Bahawalpur m.m./u.m. officials compl. SG O14-31 incl. both UPU perfs. STC £50 (22)9
309Poland 1921 Poznan Aero-Targ labels m. (faults), plus pair tied (special cancel) to front with SG141, 149, 150 all tied by Poznan CDS (3)10
310“, 1938 Stratosphere MS u.m. SG MS335b (small mark in margin), plus stamp from MS. STC £90+ (2)13
311Portugal 1855-1912 m.&u. seln. almost all good/fine, from imperfs., incl. a good range of 1892 issues, etc. STC £240 (22)24
312“, Azores 1894 1,000r SG155 Prince Henry top value m.m. STC £180 (1)22
313“, “, 1982 Europa MS f.u. STC £16, also ‘82 & 83 flower bklts u.m. (stamps STC £10+) (3)7
314“, Cape Verde Is. 1894-1934 mainly u. ranges, just the odd dupl., some better. STC £100+ (53)12
315“, Macau 1898 Vasco da Gama set SG104-111 g.u. STC £100+ (8)16
316“, Madeira 1982 Europa MS f.u. STC £13, plus ‘82 & 83 flower bklts. (3)6
317Puerto Rico US occ’n. 1899 set used to 5c, plus 8c, 10c both m., 1900 set, P.Due 2c u. etc. STC £53+ (11)9
318Qatar 1957 set to 1r SG1-12 & set to 10r SG13-15 u.m. STC £25+ (15)8
319Rhodesia 1896 o’prints set SG58-64 m.m. STC £275 (7)50
320“, & Nyasaland 1954-56 set SG1-15 plus 1/2d & 1d coils m.m. (some u.m.) STC £97+ (18)14
321“, “, 1954-56 set SG1-15 g.u. STC £48 (16)9
322“, “, 1959-62 set SG18-31 g.u. STC £80 (15)12
323Ross Dependency 1982, 1994 & 1995 sets u.m. STC £19 (23)6
324Roumania 1977 Danube Navigation MS Mi Bl.147 u.m. plus MS issued same time as SG MS4353, but not listed in simplified. Scarce. STC ¤110 (1)14
325Russia old-time club bklt. pages with early u. ranges noting 1858 20k, 30k (2), extensive later arms types to 1889; Also POs in Turkey, unchecked for perfs., wmks., etc. mostly g.-f. (75)30
326“, Refugee Post 1920 (Wrangels Army Gallipoli) 1st Issue 10,000r & 20,000r inverted o’prints, etc. m.m. (3)6
327St. Helena 1912-16 8d SG78 f.u. STC £55 (1)10
328“, 1983 (14 Jan) FDC ‘ Artist’s Views’ apparently signed by the artist Roland S(vensson) (1)3
329St. Kitts-Nevis 1920-22 2/6 SG33 f.u. STC £32 (1)8
330St. Pierre & Miquelon 1909 set SG79-95 m.m. STC £121+ (32)20
331St. Vincent 1869 1/- brown SG14 f.u. some sl. toning at perfs., really visible from back only STC £16024
332“, 1935 Silver Jubilee set SG142-5 f.u. STC £16 (4)6
333“, 1948 RSW set SG162-3 f.u. STC £27+ (2)11
334Samoa 1945-53 5/- & 10/- SG208-9 g.u. STC £33 minimum. (2)8
335Sarawak 1932 13 vals to 50c. SG91-104 (no 30c SG103) m.m. STC £77+ (13)13
336“, Jap. Occ’n. revenues 3 u.m. blocks of 4, one block of 6 STC £90 (Barefoot) (4 blocks)6
337Sardinia 1855 embossed used range poor to fine 5c (2 shades), 10c, 20c, 40c all appear genuine. (5)10
338Senegal 1960 Air set (Birds) SG234-8 m.m. STC £61 (5)10
339Serbia German Occn. 1941 1st set to 20d (no 30d) m.&/or u. 2nd to 20d m. STC £22+ (38)6
340“, German Occ’n. 1942-43 m.&u. ranges incl. ‘43 Nish set f.u. (c.t.o./fake cancels?) STC £420 (37)18
341Seychelles 1890 48c SG7 m.m. (1)6
342“, 1890 96c SG8 m.m. STC £65 (1)19
343“, 1893 45c on 48c SG20 m.m. slightly toned gum STC £30 (1)8
344“, 1893 90c on 96c SG21 m.m. (fine, but a couple of gum wrinkles/folds) STC £60 (1)15
345“, 1893 45c SG25 g.-f.u. STC £35 (1)9
346“, 1897-1900 75c SG33 m.m. STC £55 (1)18
347“, 1938 original set to 50c on cover, a little toning, stamps STC £42 alone. (1)9
348“, 1948 RSW set SG152-3 f.u. STC £38+ (2)14
349“, (Zil E. Sesel) 1983 Birds set SG53-68 u.m. STC £23 (16)7
350Sierra Leone 1935 Silver Jubilee set SG181-4 g.u. STC £42 (4)11
351Singapore 1948-52 defin. sets (both perfs. complete to $5 STC £77 (33)15
352“, 1949-59 compl. g./f.u. with UPU, ‘55 set to $5, ‘59 set, etc. STC £36 (26)8
353“, 1955-59 set SG38-52 m.m. STC £120 (15)16
354South Africa 1938 Voortrekker set SG76-9 pairs on clean reg. FDC STC £28+ as stamps. (1)7
355Southern Rhodesia 1924-29 set SG1-14 g.u. (5/- slight thin) STC £350 (14)18
356“, 1953 set SG78-91 m.m. STC £60 (14)10
357“, 1953 set SG78-91 g.u. STC £70 (14)12
358“, 1964 set SG92-105 m.m. STC £32 (14)7
359South West Africa 1938 Voortrekker set SG105-108 m.m. STC £95 (4)11
360“, 1939 250th Anniv. set SG111-3 on FDC (slight minor faults) Stamps STC £40 (1)9
361Spain early seln. stuck down, m.&u. STC £460+ (17)10
362Sudan 1941 13 vals 2m to 20p ordinary paper SG38a-46ba m.m. STC £167, good lot. (13)18
363“, 1951-61 set SG123-139 m.m. STC £80 (17)12
364“, officials 1936-46 set SG O32-O42 m.m. (5m & 5p faults) STC £170, not common. (15)18
365Swaziland 1961 set SG78-89 m.m. STC £26 (12)6
366Sweden 1981 Gyr Falcon bklt (SG1067 x4) u.m. STC £44 as stamps (1)11
367Tanganyika 1961-64 top 2 vals. SG118-9 u.m., etc. STC £22 (3)5
368Tonga 1953 set SG101-114 u.m. STC £55 (14)11
369Transvaal 1907 P.Dues 1/2d, 1d, 3d mint, others v.f.u. STC £35+ (7)6
370Trinidad & Tobago 1918 War Tax 1d scarlet block of 4, mint with different spacings of ‘Tax’ x2 3
371“, 1935 Silver Jub. set SG239 -242 & Turks & Caicos similar (SG187-190) f.u. STC £34 (8)11
372“, 1990 Birds set SG787-798 u.m. STC £31+ (12)10
373“, P.Dues 1885-1923 used ranges, various wmks., all different STC £25 (11)5
374“, P.Dues 1947-61 chalky paper set (no 10c) plus 1969 u.m. range STC £21+ (13)5
375Turks Is. 1881 6d SG51 mint, poor gum, minute hinge thin (mentioned for accuracy only) STC £13019
376United Nations Vienna 1979-85 complete u.m. SG V1-55 incl. MSs STC £38 (54, 2MS)8
377U.S.A. 1857 1c SG26 u., 1869 3c, 6c, 10c, 12c, SG116-9 all sound or better. STC £280+ (5)28
378“, 1909 Hudson 2c SG379 perf. & imperf. used, the latter with large margins all round. (2)7
379“, 1912 $2, $5 SG527-8 both g.u. STC £52 (2)15
380“, c.1984-85 range of u.m. se-tenant blocks of 4 or strips of 5, face $13 (63 stamps)8
381“, Back of Book incl. 1912 Parcel post, 1885 & 88 Special Delivery 10c blue, P.Dues, etc. STC £76 (13)10
382“, Officials 1873 used range of Treasury to 90c (2 shades), Navy (incl. 2c m.) & Interior most sound or better (19)7
383“, Officials War dept 1873 range to 24c plus 2c unused; spec. Handling 25c u., etc. (16)5
384“, Back of Book 1875 N’paper range to $60 (2) all marked ‘facsimile, plus others (Dept. of State, etc.) (12)6
385Vatican City 1942-58 colln. mainly m. good coverage incl. airs, express, etc. noting 1949 set SG39-48 m., UPU 300l block of 4 f.u., ‘53 St. Clare m., ‘58 Brussels MS m.&u., ‘49 Express pair etc. STC £450+ (135,2MS)50
386Yugoslavia 1918 40f SG77 with inverted o’print variety m.m. useful item (1)6
387“, 1949-60 u.m. range of commems., mostly better items STC £75 plus ‘61 Red X SG D982 imperf. (11)9
388“, 1954 Animals set (no 15d) u.m. strong thematic content STC £130 (11)22
389Zanzibar 1904 2r SG221 m.m. STC £32 (1)8
390“, 1904 3r SG222 m.m. STC £48 (1)19
391“, 1904 4r SG223 m.m. STC £55, scarce stamp. (1)22
392“, 1904 5r SG224 m.m. STC £55 attractive item. (1)22
393“, 1913 2r SG256 g.-f.u. STC £28 (1)8
394“, 1913 3r SG257 m.m. STC £17 (1)5
395“, 1913 4r SG258 m.m. light gum bends STC £29 (1)8
396“, 1913 5r SG259 v.f.u. STC £48 (1)16
397Zululand 1888-93 1/2d surcharges SG12/13 with and without stop. m.m. STC £81 (2)14

United Kingdom Lots

3981843 Postal stationery envelope to Bristol with London numeral Maltese Cross (No. ‘3’), inside are 19 cut-outs with various cancels. 8
3991854-57 2d SG34/35 g.-f.u. (large crown p.14) STC £120 (2)12
4001858-79 2d pl.7 (centred low) mint STC £1,400 (1)90
4011858-79 2d plates 9, 13, 14, 15 all g.-f.u. STC £94 (4)12
4021870 11/2d SG51 pl.1 & pl.3 g.-f.u. STC £140 (2)8
4031870 11/2d SG51 pl.1 unused, no gum, minute marks to face STC £400 as mint (£60 used) fine mint filler.10
4041870 11/2d pl.3 lightly used STC £60 (1)8
4051854-57 SG66 or better, lightly used (with probably ‘C’ in Constantinople) STC £110 (1)12
4061855-57 4d SG66 or better neat ‘162’ numeral cancel couple of blunt perfs. STC £110+ (1)9
4071855-57 6d SG69/70 in g.u. horiz. pair slight perf. faults. STC £190 (1)8
4081855-57 1/- SG71 f.u. STC £425 (1)12
4091855-57 1/- SG72 used with numeral cancel, some short/blunt perfs. STC £260 (1)14
4101855-57 1/- SG72 in g.-f.u. horiz. pair. STC £520+ (1)20
4111862-64 3d SG76 g.-f.u. (1)14
4121862-64 6d SG84 f.u. some perf. faults. STC £170 (1)7
4131865-67 3d SG92 (emblems) pl.4 g.u. wing margin ST C£180 (1)8
4141865-67 4d SG94 pl.12 STC £55 g.-f.u. CDS (1)6
4151865-67 6d SG97 pl.5 av.-g.u. STC £80 (1)4
4161865-67 1/- SG101 g.u., blunt perf. STC £200 (1)15
4171867-80 3d SG103 (spray) pl.4 - the scarce one! g.u.a few light tone spots, still useful. STC £250 (1)20
4181867-80 3d pl.9 SG103 on small piece, neat cancel couple of blunt perfs. STC £60 (1)6
4191867-80 6d SG105 pl.6 f.u. STC £60 (1)7
4201867-80 6d SG109 pl.8 (toned) & pl.9 g.-f.u. STC £200 (2)8
4211867-80 10d pl.1 red brown, quite deep colour, used with ‘C38’ (Callao, Peru), trimmed at left, etc. (1)11
4221867-80 10d SG114 deep brown wing margin, couple of creases, still very attractive STC £525 (1)17
4231867-80 1/- pl.4 SG117 g.-f.u. STC £50+ slightly short format, unusual. (1)5
4241867-80 1/- SG117 pl.4 g.-f.u. (CDS) small thin. (1)5
4251867-80 1/- SG117 pl.5 f.u. (Leeds CDS) STC £35 (1)7
4261867-80 1/- SG117 pl.6 top marginal (with inscription) f.u. CDS STC £35 (1)11
4271867-80 2/- SG119 (wing margin) g.u. lightly used, good colour STC £175 (1)11
4281872-73 6d SG122a would be v.f.u. but for a couple of blunt perfs., light CDS STC £50 (1)12
4291867-83 10/- SG128 (maltese cross wmk.) pl.1 used, centred high and left, small hinge thin, cancel a little smudgy, but still acceptable for this very scarce stamp. STC £2,800 (1)160
4301873-80 21/2d rosy mauve pl.1 & pl.2 (white paper) both g.u. pl.2 off-centre STC £160 (2)14
4311873-80 21/2d rosy mauve pl.3 to 13 complete used, generally sound or better. STC £625 (11)38
4321873-80 21/2d blue plates 17-20 used all decent. STC £175 (4)18
4331873-80 6d SG147 pl.16 g.u. STC £60 (1)7
4341873-80 8d SG156 g.-f.u. slight faults but attractive. STC £300 (1)15
4351880-81 mint set (incl. both 1/2d & 2d shades) from fine l.m.m. (1/2d SG165) to poor mint (5d), all attractive from front. STC £1,550+ (7)170
4361880-81 2d SG168a f.u. with parts of two neat CDSs. STC £90 (1)10
4371880-81 5d SG169 g.-f.u. with squared circle postmark. STC £110 (106
4381880-81 5d SG169 with part squared circle p’mark on one corner - head etc. completely clear STC £11012
4391883-84 2/6 g.-f.u. SG178 f.u. very slight washing of colour. STC £140 (1)8
4401883-84 2/6 SG179 with slight heavy, but attractive London ‘hooded circle’cancel. STC £200 (1)14
4411883 2/6 SG179 g.-f.u. London CDS (small red crayon mark & very slightly washed) attractive (1)7
4421883-84 5/- av.-g.u. supposedly on blued paper (SG176), but almost certainly as a result of an accident with an ink well! (1)6
4431883-84 5/- SG180 g.-f.u. (oval reg. cancel) STC £200 (1)10
4441883-84 5/- crimson SG181 x2, one CDS with slightly trimmed perfs. at left, the other fine with Lombard St. squared circle cancel. STC £400 (2)26
4451883-84 10/- SG183 f.u. with CDS, attractive item STC £475 (1)34
4461883 11/2d SG188 mint (fairly heavy mount & crease) STC £100 (1)7
4471883-84 2d, 21/2d & 3d SG189, 190 & 191 g.-f.u. STC £175 (3)9
4481883-84 3d SG191 m.m. slight paper adhesion STC £225 (1)8
4491883-84 9d SG195 f.u. colour only slightly pale, attractive STC £400 (1)28
4501883-84 1/- SG196 av. used (usual washed colour) octagonal London cancel. STC £225 (1)3
4511883-84 1/- SG196 g.-f.u. (quite fine for these) STC £250 (1)10
4521887-90 Gov’t Parcels 1/- dull green, parcel cancel (we’ve seen worse) reasonably good colour. STC £22512
4531887-92 1/- green mint good colour, one toned perf. (hardly showing on front) STC £200 (1)19
4541887-92 mint Jubilee range with white gum, some hinge marks, but generally fine & fresh. 4d, 5d (die II) 6d, 9d, 10d. STC £200 (5)22
4551902-10 2/6 x3 shades, minor faults (toned perfs., slight hint of washing, etc.) still not bad and well worth the estimate! STC £440 minimum. (3)30
4561902-10 2/6 dull purple SG262 used Weybridge d/r cancel, one pulled perf., slight corner bends, but nice colour and attractive. STC £150 (1)16
4571902-10 5/- SG263/264 x 2 shades g.-f.u. STC £400 (2)24
4581918-19 10/- Seahorse SG417 g.-f.u. (very light and neat) STC £160 (1)26
4591934 10/- Seahorse used, attractive, but faults STC £80 (1)3
4601934 re-engraved Seahorse 10/- SG452 in used block of 4 STC £320+ (4)20
4611939-48 High value set g.u./f.u. (£1 f.u. CDS) STC £55 (5)16
4621939-48 £1 in used block of 4 SG478b STC £104 (1)10
4631964-65 m.m./u.m. range of commems., many both ord & phos., incl. Botanical, FRB, etc. STC £75 (49)14
4641980-84 colln. of Benham silk FDCs in alb. complete sets, nice lot. (11 sets on 48 covers)10
4651986-88 Avon album with m.m. colln., high face. 10
466Benham silk FDCs 1982, 1986, 1987, 1992 & 1993 virtually complete in 4 albums & loose. 32
467Irish P’marks - 1858-79 1d red pl.192 with Dublin CDS; 1867-80 3d pl.8 Drogheda CDS, similar pl.9 with ‘157’ in diamond; 1873-80 21/2d pl.2 (SG139 with ‘186’ in diamond. STC £197+ as basic stamps (4)22
468GVI bklt. panes all u.m. with inv. wmks., with or without selvedge. With ‘41-42 1/2d (trimmed perfs.), 2d, 21/2d also ‘50-52 1/2d, 21/2d STC £69 as single stamps. (5 panes)18
469Complete run of u.m. commems., 1953-1980 (100s)14
470E7 1/- in g.u. block of 4 (very slight colour loss on the green) (1)11
471small seln. of errors (description with each) GVI-QE (7)10
472Kiloware - 500gr from charity source. (1,000s)8
473Kiloware - a similar lot to the last. (1,000s)8
474E7 2/6 g.-f.u. (1)8
475E7 5d, 6d, 7d m.m. a few tone spots on gum. (3)8
476E7 3d & 4d orange (couple of slightly pulled perfs., some tone spots on gum), not bad from front. (2)7
477E7 11/2d & 2d m.m. some toning to gum, fresh from front. (2)7
478Channel Is. Jersey 1941 (29 Jan) 1/2d SG1 pair on plain unaddressed FDC; 1943 (1 JY) 1/2d SG3 pair on plain p/card FDC, stamps alone STC £36 (2)9
479“, Jersey, 1941-43 1d SG2d (chalk paper) u.m. STC £55 (1)12
The end of the sale, thank you for your attention

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